Best Nh Claimers


May 2, 2003
Aidan Coleman or Jack Doyle, I'm a dutchman.

Both look professional now, and are a valuable asset to have on your side until they ride out their claim.

Nick Schofield, who the media seem to have latched onto as a new star, is young and can improve but looks more likely to be the next Joe Tizzard or Christian Williams than Ruby Walsh or Timmy Murphy.

Its strange that Liam Heard hasn't really got a lot of interest from outside Nicholls. Has looked the best claimer to come out of Nicholls yard and hasnt really made the next step.
Robert Lucey-Butler is very highly thought of by most trainers who have used him, inc his boss Carl Llewellyn. He's immensely thoughtful, articulate, and very hard working, and his race riding has come on in leaps and bounds this year - as has his 'stickability'. He's also said to have that driving ambition, ie will to win, which makes the difference between an also-ran and a long term winner at the job.

I agree that Coleman and Doyle are very good too. I'd add Kevin Tobin.
Heard is a strange case isn't he? - should get more rides.
Schofield's fallen off a few he should have sat on, inc a couple of very long-odds-on shots from the Nicholls yard in hunter-chases; but isn't he an Amateur? There are several of those who will do well as Conditionals next year, eg Felix de Giles

I'm not sure which the Conditional was who rang a trainer sitting next to me at the dining table for a ride 3 minutes before the Gold Cup was due off, nor whether it shows utter density or admirable perseverence :laughing:
Felix de Giles is good too. Yes Schofield is an amateur like the other two but is being obviously groomed for a career in the saddle. He has a long way to go in my opinion.
Think Matt O'Connor could be very good if he goes down that route or op class if he stays amatuer. A sensible head on his shoulders, a great horseman and a nice guy to boot.
Aidan Coleman (or Anthony, as ATR called him the other day...) is a very good jockey and a consummate horseman. Having known him since he came over from Ireland I have watched his progress closely and I am really glad that he is doing so well now. He's a lovely lad as well as a brilliant rider and rode nearly 200 pony racing winners in Ireland I believe. In my opinion he is the best claimer riding and I would love to have him take 7lbs off any horse of mine.

I'm a fan of Liam Heard's as well and you're right Garney, he seems to have fallen off the map a little lately even though he'd easily be one of the best claimers to have emerged from Ditcheat for a while now (Tizzard and Williams included).

Felix de Giles is good as well - he is a conditional however having turned professional this season.
That's true - he's with Henderson now [de Giles that is]

Charlie Poste is good too, and Charlie Huxley definitely has a future if he turns pro next season
Poste being one of those who went from flat apprentice to conditional having ridden a few winners on the flat for Richard Fahey.

Coleman continues to impress as does Tjade Collier (Sue Smith) and Jay Pemberton (Nick Gifford).

Michael Murphy and Michael McAllister both looked quite promising but like Liam Heard are struggling a bit at the moment.

Of the amateurs Josh Guerrero (who for the second time this season managed to win a race after a badly slipped saddle on Exmoor Ranger today) and the aforementioned Charlie Huxley are useful.
It's also worth looking out for Jacqui Kidd when she travels over from Ireland to ride over here.
She has a decent strike rate and is certainly one to bear in mind for any ladies races.
Would imagine you'll see her at some of the upcoming meetings at Perth.
I believe Charlie Poste was originally an apprentice with Barry Hills.

Isn't the problem with the longevity of claiming jockeys the fact that when asked to nominate the best, we all immediately tend to plump for the best 7lb claimer, and forget the 3lb guys who are strictly superior. It's not surprising that so many struggle after (partially) riding out their claims.
Robert L-B is only claiming 3bls now - wouldn't be surprised if he rode out by the end of the season

I suppose you get so used to seeing the 3lbs-ers that you think of them as normal jocks
Possibly rory, but i think Aidan Coleman and Jack Doyle are better (and a good deal better) than the rest that have been mentioned here, and are better than any of those with lesser claims. Robbie Colgan would ordinarily have ridden out his claim by now but it appears that he wants to keep his claim to aid his trainer.
I'd put up Aidan without a 7lb claim!

He really is one of the biggest talents to hold a licence in recent years, IMO. Not to mention that he really is a lovely lad - he doesn't possess an ounce of cockiness and really talks to you about the horses and his opinion of them.
Originally posted by Cantoris@Mar 28 2008, 05:24 PM
Think Matt O'Connor could be very good if he goes down that route or op class if he stays amatuer. A sensible head on his shoulders, a great horseman and a nice guy to boot.
If your referring to MM O'Connor or "Strawberry" I would imagine weight issues will prevent him going professional. Tall lad.
Thought Liam Heard getting jocked off Neptune COllenge for the Gold Cup was a little harsh. I hate to say it but if Granit Jack had got round in the Paddy Power Gold Cup, Heard's season might have picked up as well. The horse's fell was not his fault in any shape or form.

I also like Colin Bolger, he still claims 3lbs I believe.
C Gillies certainly worth his 7lb & shows a whopping £169 profit to £ stakes.8 wins from 35 rides is a fair strike rate too. Brian Hughes & Tom Dreaper both very good 3lb claimers. The one I have been impressed with most recently is Sean Quinlan.He's now down to 3lb & as done well this season.