Best Pundit on Tv


Senior Jockey
Nov 3, 2005
Moscow Flyer Stables
To me Ruby Walsh

This year particularly I think he has shown what is needed in explaining a topic so the layman understands

Some of his jockey analysis is fascinating. Today's hurdle race at Limerick was fantastic viewing

Lydia is a fine host, Jane Mangan is a bit like a sulky child who needs to be listened to

Tony Keenan is worthy of a listen and formerly of this parish Rory Delargy I also like to listen to

Nick Lucks program is more often than not worth watching

I don't watch ITV too frequently but when I do, it deserves an arse cup of its own
Its a bit like discussing who was the best Scottish football team when Rangers were dropped.
Walsh is a completely different level.
Overall sports...Ally McCoist he's the only one I understand all those English guys talk funny:)

Racing? Ruby by a mile
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I have RTV but don't watch it because the quality via the Fire Stick is pish so I'm stuck with ITV/STV.

I get that they're trying to make it appeal to a wider, perhaps even younger, audience but I think they're going about it the wrong way: looks ahead of knowledge and fawning over injuries etc. I do think Ruby has that part sorted in is head.

I only half-caught the bit yesterday by Hoiles on betting and hope it goes on Youtube at some point. I'd like to see how he presented it to a 'lay' audience.

Mulrennan did an unusually insightful piece the other day too when following a horse in the parade ring. More of that, please.

Chamberlin, Bell, Chapman, Harvey, McCoy...? What's the collective noun for fannies?

I'd probably watch Nick Luck more often but can't on a Sunday morning and then can't be arsed to watched it back any other time. He's a class apart in terms of presenting.

Ruby is peerless in his analysis of race-riding.
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Megan Nicholls has got to be the worst by the length of the straight at Newmarket, She's awful. Did anyone see Ruby join the summary lineup at the end of the show, and give her a side shove from the Pulpit?

Then the staged run up to her dad, swinging round his neck. He dropped her instantly, turned to see the camera, and shot a glance of complete disgust...

Her rhetoric is awful, she tells you nothing you don't already know. A complete and utter waste of money in my opinion....
I do agree although he was very pro her moving into the media job.

Not sure Lizzie Kelly offered much more and she too has a grating voice. I know some on here don’t like Leonna or Adele but I don’t have a problem with either and actually think they contribute well.
I do agree although he was very pro her moving into the media job.

Not sure Lizzie Kelly offered much more and she too has a grating voice. I know some on here don’t like Leonna or Adele but I don’t have a problem with either and actually think they contribute well.

Leona and Adele are very knowledgeable but they talk 100 mph.
Not sure Lizzie Kelly offered much more and she too has a grating voice. I know some on here don’t like Leonna or Adele but I don’t have a problem with either and actually think they contribute well.

Agree I thought Lizzie Kelly was poor and even more grating than MN

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MN is only a novice hurdler learning on the job. Should improve if she gets more opportunity which is looking increasingly doubtful. Ruby is a real breath of fresh air, would expect more of McCoy. Bit’s and pieces not bad from the the others and overall pretty inoffensive wallpaper to the equine cast.
Stop Chapman being a McCrirrick Mk2, and let him be a proper pundit. He talks a lot of sense. Ruby by a mile, though.
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A lot of the time it's listening to what they don't say, that's why agree with all those who put up Ruby. When he talks it's always to say something. (Well, I know what I mean anyway:lol:)
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Agree Matt talks a lot of sense, but spoils it by trying to dominate every conversation

I felt he was pretty cringeworthy trying to interview the de Bromheads the other day with reference to the anniversary of the loss of Jack. HdB was extremely gracious with him and allowed him time to dig himself out of an ever deepening hole.

I accept that he is very knowledgeable but I'm not sure he can help himself given his age. He's been encouraged/allowed to act the dickhead for so long he has become one.
Overall too many racing pundits on telly, a lot of which is just box ticking

Megan brings nothing original to the table and far too much playing up to the cameras when her dad has a big winner though she is looking like being a decent jockey agent however