Betfair Demo..


At the Start
Jan 4, 2008
I am attending a Betfair Demo in Limerick tonight, was just wondering if anybody else on here has attended one of these nights before?? Am no Betfair expert, but I wouldn't class myself as a beginner either.. Looking forward to picking up some hopefully useful pointers..
I've often read about them on the BF forum, it's not too far away from me, so i said I'd give it a try tonight..Can't hurt anyway,anything to get an edge..I will let people know tomorrow how it went(that's if anybody cares!!).
Please could you ask them how I can upgrade to one of their premier accounts which can trade for a few seconds after the markets are suspended? :D
PRICEWISE, I have seen mention of them on the BF site as well, but never managed to find out where they take place and how you get there.

Is there a link you can post with venues and dates?

Also, are they free?

Look forward to hearing your feedback!
There have been a few in Dublin recently, though I havn't bothered to attend any of them.

Let us know if you pick up anything useful.
They are free useful..The times and dates I found on the Forum itself..They are frequently organised in Ireland/UK as far as I know. Mainly in the bigger cities in Ireland anyway..I am sure if you e-mail they would send you details..Will update here tomorrow..
There are several in London this week and next, advertised in the RP recently

But they seem to be streaming them online - one is starting soon, it will be on Betfair Radio shortly

PS This is billed as << The Betfair Radio Academy with Andy Richmond >> and seems to be a general chat between two of their pundits, it's not a streaming of the symposium in London
A very enjoyable and informative evening at the demo last night..Lasted well over 3 hours but the time flew..Free pints/hot grub did help in fairness!! Some very useful little pointers, and some of the stuff went way over my head as well to be fair, but the two lads were more than helpful and happy to answer any questions..It would take all day to into any specifics, but I would recommend anybody that's interested to attend a Betfair Demo..