

At the Start
May 2, 2003
Super round of jumping today. Very quick and very accurate. Chances of him being as effective on better ground?
Not impossible, his sire Enrique went very well on faster ground. More worrying for me would be his temperament.
Sean Boyce said something about that UG...I must have missed something as I didnt see any sign of temperament whatsoever?
Only that the horse got very warm in the preliminaries on what wasn't an especially warm day for a horse that is fully clipped and has plenty of racecourse experience. Fitzgerald was also at pains to take him down as quietly as possible and away from the other horses.

Not knocking the horse though, clearly he did it very well.
Terry late of this Parish had a nice bet on him for the Triumph before yesterday's race
I took a bit on BF *after* the race :brows:

Think it will be between him and Franchoek, interesting they are both JP's - jockey bookings will be closely monitored
Tel went off in a huff after some handbags stuff a couple of years back. Couldn't tell you who was involved or what it was about. He genuinely is sadly missed.