I say get a sense of proportion - there are millions of people dying, right now, from AIDS, malaria, dysentery, starvation, various poxes, blackwater fever, and a host of communicable diseases such as TB, yet everyone suddenly becomes slightly hysterical because the media has become bored with those (presumably because they're so commonplace as to be no longer panicworthy), and has focussed on a tiny amount of people stricken by diseased birds.
Okay, it might migrate to the UK. So what? TB is being brought in all the time by people from countries where the disease is still rife - Africa, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, for starters. Our cases of TB infection in the UK have risen considerably over the past few years. You're as likely to contract it from handling a supermarket trolley that a diseased person has just sneezed on, than from the unlikely scenario that you're going to pick up and handle a diseased wild duck.
With the enormous flow of airline passengers from all over the world, it may well be the avian virus might be introduced into the UK, in the same way that Africans who are HIV positive may travel here and infect whoever they bonk. There's a bigger chance of that, I hazard, than someone bringing in a diseased bird that isn't caught by our quarantine system.