Black Caviar

Diamond Geezer

Gone But Not Forgotten
May 2, 2003
Probably a thread somewhere, can't be assed to find it

Tune in to ATR in a few minutes to see live coverage of Black Caviar's attempt to win her 24th consecutive race. Live at 10.55am
Be good to see her come back over here again, heard rumour they are thinking about it as they want a world wide legacy and want to expel any doubts about her.

Another good win.
Rumour is they're considering getting her covered by Frankel so would run her in the Kings Stand, July Cup and Nunthorpe before covering if so.

If they don't go to Frankel, she won't come.
Saw it on Youtube. What a great mare, the best sprinter I've seen.

But, lamentable stuff from the Morning Line today.

Why the hell couldn't C4 have arranged a feed so we could see Black Caviar's race?

The best horse in the world running as the programme is going out, and what do we get, f*** all.

Even audio-only would have been better than nothing.

It's not as though there was a riveting collection of races in the UK to be previewed - today must be just about the dreariest Saturday's racing all year.

How can racing expect to be taken seriously as a sport when this sort of thing happens?