Blair & 7/7

As, indirectly, one of the architects of the July 7th

Load of crap.

20 would be terrorists were arrested in Canada last week....a country that has absolutely no soldiers in Iraq or Afganistan....what was their excuse???
Sure they don't care who they Iraq they have given up targetting Americans and Britains, just going for the general population you......
Originally posted by Galileo@Jul 7 2006, 01:18 PM
As, indirectly, one of the architects of the July 7th

Load of crap.

20 would be terrorists were arrested in Canada last week....a country that has absolutely no soldiers in Iraq or Afganistan....what was their excuse???
Not so fast with "load of crap" comments. The correct number of would-be terrorist plotters arrested in Canada is 17. A more important correction though: Canada has 2,300 troops in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban.

Diplomats, the security services, serious commentators, anti-terrorist specialists and, only today, the police all confirm that British foreign policy has a huge impact on the recruitment and motivaton of Muslim terrorists in Great Britain. That's overlooking what they themselves say.

So, it's only Mr Tony who doesn't think it so (or that's what he says in public).
I have deleted Derek's posts and removed them to Mods Only . Sorry not paying close enough attention I should never have let them through.
The implication that someone is not in a position to criticise terrorism because they're Irish is disgraceful.
Just as would be the idea that someone cannot criticise anti Semitism because they are German or apartheid because they are a white South African .
What has annoyed me about the anniversary coverage is how the victims families have suddenly become counter-terrorism experts.

Obviously, the media are welcome to discuss personal grief and loss with victims families but I've noticed an increasing tendency to discuss what the victims families think about the war on terror, al-qaeda releasing propoganda etc.

It's a terrible thing to lose a loved one at the hands of terrorist but it doesn't give them a more superior opinion on anti-terrorism policy.
I think that the same applies to the general push for victims to have more say in the criminal justice system. It is very important that sentencing judges are aware of the impact of crimes on the victims - having victims advocates and victims stand up in court adds nothing to victim impact statements but costs a lot of money .

Meanwhile the government is cutting criminal injuries compensation to the victims it is supposed to support .
On the subject of 7/7 I was in the local shop at the time with Emily & Georgia. I explained to Emily (aged four and a half) that we were about to be quiet for two minutes and that in that time we were to think about all the people who died when the bad men blew up three trains and a bus last year. She understood this and stayed silent for two minutes. It's a shame the old biddies in the next ailse couldn't show the same amount of sensitivity, they talked all the way through it :angry: