Bomber caught..


Senior Jockey
May 5, 2011
Apparently caught by his van,of course was some Trump feeble minded idiot,the van apparently covered in images,one piece of artwork portrayed trump standing on a tank and another with Clinton with a bullseye on her face!!:lol::lol::lol:
Trump praised law enforcement for quick arrest of the suspect describing the search as like ''looking for a needle in a haystack'':lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:: comedy at its finest!!
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I was discussing with a university lecturer the other night, about 'Nationalism'. I said there are more cases of nationalist terrorists than ever before, surely? That guy in Norway who killed hundreds, the Jo Cox murderer, now this. The lecturer said nationalism is an ideology where as terrorism is a method. I take no pleasure from feeling this is another instance or example which proves my point
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"Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!"

Apparently he tweeted this whilst in possession of a report that the suspect had been apprehended

Incidentally, if anyone fancies a bet in the mid terms, I think the one the bookies have wrong at the moment is Indiana. The Republican polling has been damaged by Lucy Brenton's libertarian run. If her vote halves (which I expect it to) then Donnelly will lose, despite him being a shade odds on tonight. Democrats could be in real trouble in the Senate. North Dakota is already a lost cause, and Claire McCaskill looks vulnerable in Missouri. I expect them to lose three states at the moment, I wouldn't be confident that they'll gain any (though they really ought to win Nevada)
Apparently caught by his van,of course was some Trump feeble minded idiot,the van apparently covered in images,one piece of artwork portrayed trump standing on a tank and another with Clinton with a bullseye on her face!!:lol::lol::lol:

I was discussing with a university lecturer the other night, about 'Nationalism'. I said there are more cases of nationalist terrorists than ever before, surely? That guy in Norway who killed hundreds, the Jo Cox murderer, now this. The lecturer said nationalism is an ideology where as terrorism is a method. I take no pleasure from feeling this is another instance or example which proves my point

so youve dragged up 3 examples that have happened across the world in the last 10 years or more of so called nationlism , .... hundreds maybe thousands of young girls lifes are ruined in the uk alone and more are probably still getting abused being raped and tortured by pakistani paedo filth shitbag gangs all over the country.. and your more concerned with some bollox about a poxy trump story in another country... why is this not classed as terrorism ?
When have I condoned ' Pakistani peado filth shitbag gangs' for god's sake. I am talking about an interesting topic, thats all. Nationalists and people of the far right, who want make their point in a violent way by using terrorism as a means.
Apparently caught by his van,of course was some Trump feeble minded idiot,the van apparently covered in images,one piece of artwork portrayed trump standing on a tank and another with Clinton with a bullseye on her face!!:lol::lol::lol:
Trump praised law enforcement for quick arrest of the suspect describing the search as like ''looking for a needle in a haystack'':lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:: comedy at its finest!!

Extreme pro-independence supporters in Scotland aren't far behind these zoobs.
Eleven killed in a synagogue one fcuked up country under one fcuked up president..:surrender:
I dont remember you having the same thoughts about them wankers who killed people at London Bridge .:(
I dont remember you having the same thoughts about them wankers who killed people at London Bridge .:(

I have the exact same thoughts about london bridge attacks for all i care they could put a [parachute on them and drop them in middle of syria,i didn't realize i had to comment on every single attack to fit in with your agenda....