Bored at work?

Don't worry folks, all is not lost. The valiant registrar and trusty secretary are in charge - clinics are still on, just not at the normal volume. I get a breather because there is no admin, no ward rounds, no operation notes, almost like being on holiday myself. Enough work to keep me from total boredom and enough time to entertain myself when the work is done.

It's amazing how during January to May and September to early December all our patients are on the 'phone agitating about when their "important" operation will be. Funny thing is, if we oblige and bring a date forward during the months from May to the end of August or between mid-December and the New Year, they are nearly all refused "because I'm on holiday". Funny that.
There's a level 3, as well, Trips.

It's a bit addictive, I find. I don't switch it on until I have done everything, otherwise if bored with a clinic I will waste a whole hour.

If you go to the very top right of the page, you will find a small box which says something like "select game", press on the arrow and hundreds of games pop up. Something for everyone.