Brave Inca


At the Start
Jun 6, 2005
Mr C

We understand the apple of your eye is back and working well? we have to. It's been blasted all over the press, can you please (so far as is reasonably possible) avail us as regards his good health and plans. I must say, Colm sounds (if quoted correctly) more optimistic than your last update?
I'm trying to remember my last update!! No doubt Colm has been misqouted again as was the norm over the last five years with the press who write what they want to hear!! He's in very good form as I think I said before. The tendon trouble he had is clear and we could have run him at the end of last season. He was in full training in Jan last year so that tells you how close he was to a run. But it would have been unfair to do that to him and we decided to wait for this year. He is 10 and there is no hiding the fact that he is going to struggle this year through age alone. But Hardy won two races in the same boat. We may start him off on the flat or a little conditions race and his targets are the Hattons and the Crimbo hurdle. It's great to have him back but as owners we have no expectations for the season and let see how it goes. I will update as the season goes on.