Broadcasters - Untrained Journalists

an capall

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
I think there was a debate on here a while ago about the preponderence of untrained 'celebs' fronting shows without any journalistic nous - just because they were good at their sport.

I was reminded of this last night. Lineker was interviewing Paul Casey after his round and asked him what he tought if the chances of Zach Johnson. Casey rolled his eyes, puffed his cheeks and said "ooh - I don't think he likes me." Now as me and 6M other golf watchers all silently asked the follow up - "Why would that be, Paul?" - Lineker asked the next question on his clipboard - about the greens or something.

Am I being over critical?
No, the guy is a tit. He actually used the word thrilling to describe Golf at one point.

Also, there is something badly wrong with the world when Vernon Kay can actually be on TV at all.
Don't know why Taylor wouldn't like Casey unless he's bottled it at 1/10 recently.

Think Jamie Redknapp maybe angling for a spot on the golf too
Casey did make a comment about the USA couple of years ago didnt he??? It was just before the Ryder Cup, not the last one but the one was along the lines, I dont like Americans even though he went to the US to play college golf. Maybe Z Johnson was one of those upset at the comment he made or they just dont get on!
There also have been some good athletes that have made better sports commentators than they were at theoir sport.

Nicole Livingston (nee Stephenson) and Duncan Armstrong call the swimming here in Australia. Both were Olympic medallists, the latter winning a gold I believe in Seoul. He now also hosts other sports, and is recognised as one of the best journos in the business for sporting events. Nicole Livingston is now also hosting the horse racing.

Mike Whitney, the fast bowler from Australia, has his own tv show here in Sydney, which is rated one of the best programs in Australia. He has been probably more successful in the media as a host than on the cricket pitch.

Simon O'Donnell whom also played cricket for Australia, is now the anchor man for Channel 9's sports coverage in Australia. He mainly hosts the cricket and racing. Like Whitney, has been far more successful in the media than he was in sport.
Michael Johnson has proved to be an exception to the rule. He was a brilliant athlete in his day and now shows up the likes of Brendan Foster, Sally Gunnell, and Steve Cram for what they are, boring ex athletes. Is any commentator more boring than Brendan Foster?
Michael Johnson is very good. I remember his interview with Marlon Devonish after criticising his performance in the Olympics. Devonish came spitting fire and Johnson was proved totally right.
Good one, Diver. Johnson is compulsive listening.

I happen to think that one of the ills of English football is the pre-eminence of Alan Hansen (in particular) and Mark Lawrenson on MOTD. I think both talk a load of rubbish - Andy Gray isn't quite as bad - and the mass audience take it in as though it were gospel. The Brazilian guy regularly trumps them when he's on. They really should go after someone more knowledgable and less self-indulgent who has all the coaching badges and experience at the highest level.

Andy Roxburgh is FIFA's top man in coaching. He's also articulate. I doubt the BBC could pay him enough to leave his job, though. Anyone who knows Craig Brown knows he's an extremely shrewd wee cookie but he comes across as stilted and wouldn't make entirely comfortable viewing.

Clare Balding is one who is much better at commentating than she was at her sport. She's really grown into her role. The same could be said for Sue Barker although it took her much longer. Matthew Pinsent, however, looks and sounds a natural.
Altogether too much shite talked about fotball on the TV. There's almost as much 'debate' as there is football action when you consider the preamble, the half time analysis and the post mortem. I can't listen to any of them. I like lip reading Gabby Yorath though.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mike Atherton. He stands head and shoulders above everyone else in the Sky cricket com-box (though in racing terms that would be a bit like sending a Derby winner for a spin round Mijas).

I think he'd probably do an even better job sat in the Morning Line studio.
Angus Fraser is apparently the most revered ex-player in cricket journalism circles but personally I think his output is better suited to print than screen or radio.

Atherton is a good shout though.
Originally posted by PDJ@Apr 9 2007, 10:04 AM
Mark Nicholas would give him a run for his money in my book.
Mark Nicholas makes me want to be sick. He can't go 2 minutes without mentioning Australia - even when they're not playing.

When Aussie are playing he salivates (I had to think a little to find a suitable replacement for 'tugs himself off') over their every shot, piece of fielding, latest haircuts. As far as I'm concerned he should be put on the next boat out there so he can set up home with the 'young, energetic' Michael Clarke or 'big, strong, powerful' Matthew Hayden.
I do know what you mean, cricketfan but at the same time, much like Atherton, he does add pertinent comments.
Willie Thorne has aided my enjoyment of snooker a lot. He is hampered by the fact that they are all encouraged into some of the vomit-inducing pally shite that abounds on all BBC sport. Parrot is the worst commentator on telly on any sport.

I like Johnson a lot on the athletics; Cram is good too.

The lads on MoTD 2 are much better than Lineker, Hansen et al. He is not the best communicator, but I like the way Carlton Palmer calls a spade a spade. He really serves it up to Arsenal, calling them wasters and got stuck into Hleb for being a flashy namby pamby one day, which is dead right.

The BBC rugby guys in the studio are all pretty shite, although the match commentators are a cut above the soccer commentators.

I am surprised nobody has mentioned McEnroe on the tennis. He is also very forthright, and teaches me a good bit every time I watch him on the TV.

I really like Mark Nicholas and Mike Atherton. The former really has a joy for the sport, and the latter is very shrewd. Nasser is shite and so is Beefy.

I really detest golf commentators. Probably more to do with how dissimilar I am to the types of people who are in the upper echelons of the game (pretty much like racing, I guess).
Andrew Henderson of the Castleford Tigers was sheer class on BBC Radio Leeds commenting on the rugby. Having backed the total points market being under 46.5 in running he made it sound like each time someone got the ball they were going to score, only to add "he's hauled down 16 metres short of the line". Myabe he'd been drinking :laughing:
I agree with you almost totally, Bar. The one exception is Willie Thorne who is just dreadful and can't seem to work out when to shut up.
Jonathan Davies is good. He always says what he feels and he is a good analyst. Another decent one is Gwyn Jones but I think he only covers Magners league on BBC2 Wales. Eddie Butler is shite and so was the English commentator on the 6 Nations. Not sure of his name but he talks complete bollocks for 80 minutes.