Brookhouse horses

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
Does anyone know if Brookhouse removed all his horses from Nicholls's yard (and if so why?) and was it only Nicholls's he removed them from?

Thanks in advance.
Some Plan was the last one out I believe, no idea why though although he pulled a load out of Pond House a while back so maybe he just likes to tinker.
Nicholls horses in training page on his website includes no Brookhouse horses.

Some Plan and Stellar Notion have gone to HdB.

Stiletto to Johnny Farrelly.

Some Buckle to Tom George.

The Ould Lad to Mulholland.

Wuff is the only one I'm unsure of.
I'm sure most of those now ex-Nicholls horse started out at Tom George's...

Brookhose ploughs fortunes into the game as most are expensive buys from the irish ptp field. Overall, with a few exceptions, I’d say they underperform their price tags