C4 Redemption.

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Got to say, as I have moaned about a presenter before on here (Grahame) for being a bit rude to the lass who does Ask, IMO. I was delighted to see Plunkett interview the lad who did Midday and didn't seem to treat him like he was a moron, the lad came across very well too. Spot on for AP, props where props are due.
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The big disappointment for me re C4 this week was the lack of analysis. We got a couple of replays of the finish of the Sussex then that was it. Not really mentioned again for the rest of the week.

C4 could really learn a thing or two from the BBC. The post-race analyses with Ray Cochrane and 'Barty' (is that his name?) are very useful. I also think Willie Carson's pre-race paddock comments are far better than John Fancome's.
I must admit I am sometimes divided between C4 & BBC.
Though I hadn't purposely taken an interest it seemed C4, on hindsight, had slightly better pre race interviews, I guess like anything it's who is performing well at the time. I would imagine who they are interviewing helps somewhat, Jimmy Fortune seems to come across well in an interview, though I have only seen a couple with him.

I think out of Carson & Francome, I prefer the character of the later to be honest and can find him quite amusing sometimes. I have never heard Carson say anything on jump racing to be honest, and I suppose as one comes from the jumps and the other the flat this may make a slight difference to what their analysis maybe or, how they put it across, given the type of race. I'm only guessing on that as I don't know either of them or the technicalities of presenting for that matter.
Francome is a more relaxed and humorous character than Carson, probably a lot sharper too. Certainly more articulate. A lot of people find it hard to get past the way Carson talks but when he goes into descriptions about a horse's conformation and character, for someone with no insight like me, I find them more helpful than Francome's.

Carson tends not to be involved in the BBC's jumps racing coverage. Richard Pitman and Norman Williamson do that and Pitman is much more insightful than Williamson, though the latter is to Pitman what Francome is to Carson in terms of audience appeal.

I liked C4's interviews with John Gosden but the car racing stuff was a waste of resources. I suppose we need the fashion cr&p to keep the audience appeal broad. It's my excuse to refill the kettle and/or teacup or steal another few minutes with the form book.

Alice Plunkett comes across as quite natural while I always think Emma Spencer's persona is a bit forced. She's never struck me as comfortable in front of the camera (which is probably an attribute in a person).

Clare Balding is excellent except when she goes into 'My lords, ladies and gentlemen' mode. FFS, what's that all about.

I particularly like the BBC slo-mo finish and the replay analyses with Ray C and the Barty chappie. I like the C4 blimp pictures when they show them.

Put togehter the best of the best of these offerings and you could have a really half-decent racing broadcast.
I have never heard Carson say anything on jump racing to be honest.

Neither has anyone, but given that he doesn't have a BBC contract for their jumps coverage, it's not surprising!!! I thought you might have spotted that by now though to be honest.
I think Kevin Darley is a good addition to the BBC team - IMO far better than Cochrane who always churns out the same stuff and fancies every horse in the race.
I hadn't taken that much notice DO, of course on hindsight that is different and know now why I haven't seen Carson cover the jumps. He just simply never has!!!!!:blink: