Calling AC

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
Hi An,

I recall some time back you expressed an interest in racing books.

I came across these today. Any interest?

Les Grand Du Turf - Paperback 1977 (I'm sure I bought in France in 1977), in French - by Robert Ichah. Chapters on Yves St-Martin; Freddy Head; Francois Mathet; Jean Romanet; Lester Piggott; Daniel Wildenstein; le Baron de Rothschild; Nelson Bunker Hunt; Marcel Boussac; l'Aga Khan; Suzy Voltera, Maria Felix et Alain Delon; les trois Cunnington; les Pelat; Jean-Jacques Beaume; Pierre-Desire Allaire; "Derriere les vedettes : le peloton des grands...seconds !" (After the stars: the 'peloton' of great...runners-up!); Penna, Zilber et Boutin; les Gougeon (trotting legends); Gerard Mascle (another trotting legend).

Mr Grand National - a biography of Fred Winter - hardback (1969), by David Hedges

The Sport of Queens - hardback (1957) by Dick Francis

The Story of Mill Reef, 'A living Legend of the Turf'- paperback (1975), by John Oaksey.

Honestly, though, they're not in brilliant condition.

If AC isn't interested, any other takers?
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I'd love them DO. The Oaksey book on Mill Reef was the first racing book I ever read and helped hook me on the sport. Maybe you could leave them with GON and I'll find a way to claim them. I am in Glasgow at the end of the month sometime.
I'll try and do that if I can.

G, L, K and I usually get together on the first Thursday of the month for snooker and lunch. If you're in the area around then you could even join us.

There's an outside chance that Mrs O and I might bugger off to Spain for a few days around then too. We're shattered from working to get the hacienda on the market plus she started back at work (that's what she calls it...) this week and was talking about getting away on a late booking. Her passport came back today along with her inaugural Irish passport so I can see a wee bottle of something fizzy popping this evening.