Calling you clever money guys...

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
I got a circular in today offering me the chance to invest in shares in a local windfarm.

I'm doing some online trawling and see that a windfarm in Aberdeenshire is paying out over 10% in dividends but was wondering if any of you have any inside info on these schemes or on who runs them. In these days of negligible interest in savings the projected 8.5% annual interest would be quite appealing.
I seem to get a constant stream of mail for solar panel investments. There mailing lists do seem to seem to attract a large proportion of punters.
These co-op schemes have their attractions, significantly the yield, however some can be darned difficult to get one's money out if that becomes necessary, especially as sales can be restricted. Not sure that all give members a share of the company's assets. Take advice before wading in.
If it's the ones I think it is (Nutberry and West Browncastle) then it is worth noting that no application has actually been made for Nutberry yet and the West Browncastle one hasn't been granted.

Smaller turbines in your area have been declined by SLC due to objections by BAA.

I'd be concerned about this ever getting off the ground - have a look at the SLC planning portal (on their website) for details of the anemometer applications - why has it taken them till now to get funding sorted? Why, nearly 3 years down the line have they decided to go with a public drive to get funding?

Tread wearily.
Almost certainly a scam. If it's not a scam it's still unregulated and you therefore have no protection. Don't touch it would be my advice. I work in the investment industry so I have some knowledge - I see this type of thing all the time and they are all dodgy as hell. Solar, wind farms, bamboo plantations, off plan Brazilian property, fine wine, even grave plots. All scams or semi-scams at least.
Hey guys! Be careful what you say on open forums!

I've contacted DO privately with my personal thoughts as a friend. There are some sensitive people out there especially those currently raising public money.
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Not sure what I or anyone else has said that is out of turn to be honest TS. Feel free to pm me if you think I'm wrong.
I got a circular in today offering me the chance to invest in shares in a local windfarm.

I'm doing some online trawling and see that a windfarm in Aberdeenshire is paying out over 10% in dividends but was wondering if any of you have any inside info on these schemes or on who runs them. In these days of negligible interest in savings the projected 8.5% annual interest would be quite appealing.

Stick the money you were willing to invest in a bookmaker account. You're long odds on to best an 8.5% yield.