Car Crash Tele At Its Best/ Worst

Personally I can't stand her. I would rather stick pins in my eyes than watch her on TV - and before PDJ asks, no, I am definitely not jealous of her.
One of the things that makes her so unappealing as a person is that she seems to be continually performing, and she flaunts her wealth too, which is a bit obscene really.
I would rather see Jordan on the tv I have watched her show and she seems more genuine and down to earth. She is a very astute lady, she knows very well what she has to thank for making her rich and doesn't pretend to be something she isn't.
Kathy, believe me I can't stand her, but that was truly hysterical. The TV critics are going to love that. If she's produced that herself, then I've got to assume that's how dim and divorced from the solar system she really is. Surely someone must be advising her just how badly she's coming across. I actually found myself desperately trying to scribble down short hand some of the stuff she was coming out with, as I wouldn't stand a chance of being able to remember all the stupid things she said. I'll write it up later, but it's the funniest thing I've seen in ages.

What I can't decide (as it was just soooo bad) was does she do self-paradoy? I don't think she has an ounce of humility in her body myself, and since she's so arrogant on things to do with presentation, I reckon that really could be her?

Please repeat it ITV, I can't believe what I've witnessed, although this time perhaps David Attenborough could provide a commentrary.

The look of utter shock and disbelief when she was told "California is known for it's Earthquakes" was just one of the many memorable highlights. I just wish the Home Office would strip her of her passport and some other country take responsibility for this national embarrassment
Produced by Simon Fuller I would have thought.

I didn't watch it but read the fallout in the LA rags.
I wouldn't be so sure BM (I don't know either) but it wasn't very sympathetically edited, unless they were trying to rival the pointless Paris Hilton bimbo bit?

I take it she took a panning in the press?

All I can really say is that in the land of the crass and superficial, she's finally found her spiritual home
Pretty much. Fake, False, OTT. I doubt some the yanks got her sense of humour.

Most seemed to pick up and focus on her excessive use of her "catchphrase": Major

This line from the review in the LA Times said it all:

Definitely not Tivo-worthy, even if you've got the big 80 gig HiDef recorder.
I couldn't decide whether she was trying to invent herself a catchphrase, or whether she was shamelessly seeking to exploit the extravagant and flambouyant image of a former Prime Minsiter by seeking to invoke some kind of associated identity. shrug::

"How major is that" - a house
"That's major" - a view
"They're so major" - a hideous coven of so called socialites (she thinks of them as friends) who invited her round to learn how to impersonate a dolphin amongst other mind stretching activities
I had to ask Mr GG what she meant by saying 'major' all the time. I don't think she takes herself too seriosly, to me it all came across as a bit of a laugh. I doubt she'll care about what the press say either.
I wouldn't be so certain Griffin.

Vane people are notoriously self-concious and unable to take criticsm. Celebrities are even worse, just look at the percentage that have nervous breakdowns on these so called reality tv shows when they are deprived of their normal lifestyles for just the shortest of times. They're also known to be sensative to the one allegation that money can't buy; 'being thick', as it's one area superiority that materially less well off can always score on by taking the higher moral ground. I seem to remembers she's snapped at few reporteres in the past who've questioned her intelligence, and that of her dim husband. Although her defence of his IQ was typically hilarious.

"He can't be thick. He beat me at Trivia Pursuit"

I can only assume they set some kind of world record regarding duration?

Among the many highlights was the present her new neighbours sent round for her with an invite for dinner. Variously described as being major again, she says that she's thinks she'll take them up on their invitation because she needs some friends. Her intern politely asks what she's going to take round?

"Oh, I expect I'll give them some Gucci"

Just about rescuing her amused look in time, the intern explains she's supposed to take some food. Beckham looks totally wrong footed at the prospect of something practical for a socialites dinner party, where she's clearly used to a material offering. And then the coup-de-grace; the intern summons up enough spirit to explain that the tradition involve sher having to cook something.

"I've never made a pie in my life"

The intern duly helps her select a reciepe as Beckham struggles to read the instructions, eventually it's all too much for her and the intern takes over.

The other classic (and perhaps best of the lot) was when she's explaining her elaborate wheeze to fool the papparatzi. She buys a blow up doll from a sex shop witht he idea of disguising it with wig and clothes etc. Selecting the doll, you can see that she's having doubts as to whether she can get away this.

"Do you think people will really believe that's me?" to the salesman
with a deadpan and instantaneous answer quite probably designed to re-assure her so as to get the sale he simply says;


And as they inflate it back at the house and set about wigging and clothing it she says;

"She's got big bazungers. It's almost like they model these dolls me".

Mind you she's later heard saying "I thought one of my silicons was going to fly out my arm pit" after she successfully throws a baseball to the backstop. Even worse was the hysterical reaction at having completed the assignment. She was positively animated with adulation. "My goodness that was incredible". FFS, you've thrown baseball a few yards and a guys caught it. I liked the 'baseball legend' (some slightly chieseled old walrus from the Dodgers) whose about to be introduced to her

"What's her name?".
"Oh Victoria nice to meet you" as he wonders over making out he knew who the feck she is. She was heard moaning however about how;

"It's exhausting being fabulous"

I really couldn't decide how much of that was genuine fly on the wall, and how much she was deliberately pretending to be dim. Why would she want to pretend to be total airhead? (unless she really is that bad?).

It makes no sense. Americans are amongst some of the politest people in the world (certainly the western world, and the most polite in the English speaking world). They do however, have a very strong sense of consumer soverignty and the customer being right. They'll tolerate this kind of thing for so long out of politeness, but the moment they realise they've been had, they'll turn on her big time (or should that be in major way). Unless she's setting out to be the butt of everyone's laughter, essentially no better than a performing dog jumping through hoops. I've always been under the impression that she craved to be taken seriosuly as an artiste? Now she might very well be prepared to take the dollars etc for providing circus with a clown, and for such time as she proves temporarily entertaining with her inanity the country might indulge her as a curiousity fad. She's never going to command any sense of respect though, and will just become a poor quality comedy figure. If she needed the money, then it's a Faustian pact she might be prepared to make. But she doesn't. What I suspect she wants more than anything is a sense of credibility and recognition for something in her owns right when she hasn't been carried along by fellow dancers (and 1 singer) and a husband who used to play football to a high level.

I can't see how she's going to be anything other than a curio, and ultimately a shallow English bitch.

I still don't know, I'm left thinking a bit. Is she really that bad? I've never seen her interviewed for any length of time or watched anything she's ever done before, but I was left thinking what a tragic reflection this Frankenstein monster is on another generation that our misplaced popular culture and deteriorating society has created. Is she a product of it? or merely a reflection?

On the same day when a report is published by the JRF highlighting the ever widening gap between rich and poor, and then to watch this self-indulgent ostentatious airhead is sad. Having said that, she was so thick it was hiliarious, but even that consolation is laced with more than just a sense of melancholy that somehow we've chosen to reward her for it.

Incidentally Betsmate

Was Paris Hilton doing anything with a car exhaust pipe when she observed that?
I'm glad you found it hilarious Warbler, tho I think for all the wrong reasons!

I thought she showed a wicked sense of humour. She was sending up herself, and the celeb culture, most of the time, so far as I could see. It's quite a fine line to tread I guess, when you are dependent for your fantastically expensive lifestyle, between taking yourself seriously enough to sucker the crowds, and not getting suckered into believing your own PR.

I esp loved the bit when she passed her car test.
Black guy at desk "You can go off an' get yourself a Mercedes now Victoria!"
Victoria: "I've already got a Mercedes! I've got a Bentley too!"

The blow-up doll sequence was priceless. I can't see how anyone could think she was taking any of that seriously. The reactions of the paparazzi when the doll was 'helped' out of the blackened-out car was great fun to watch.

I didn't see the whole thing as I was traipsing in and out unpacking my car, but what snatches I did see were most enjoyable. Yes, I'd love to see it again too :P

PS I agree her taste is execrable, and was that a builder's cleavage I spotted during the baseball practice sequence?

PPS Did you not see the joint interview Posh n Becks did a couple of years ago - can't remember who with, was it Borat? or just someone like Parky? - they were very very clever, and very funny. They sent it right up by seeming to take it very seriously indeed, but everything they said was pretty tongue in cheek whilst still being impeccably polite. I was very impressed.
I thought she was a dirty cow.
eating all the leftover apple from the jar, then sticking the same spoon in the apple pie she was making to take to the lunatics house.
Originally posted by Kathy@Jul 17 2007, 08:51 PM
Personally I can't stand her. I would rather stick pins in my eyes than watch her on TV - and before PDJ asks, no, I am definitely not jealous of her.
Kathy is just jellus of Lady Beckham IMO.
I watched the first half before bed(the girlfriend was watching it) and really enjoyed it. She is a far better person than I imagined her to be with a good sense of humour.
I just can't understand people that spend so much of their time wanting so desperately to be famous and to be photographed. She is right that it takes a lot of effort. Personally, I would rather go racing and eat chocolate. shrug:: :D

You are right, she does have a great sense of humour. She must have. Look who she married! :D
Originally posted by Kathy@Jul 18 2007, 12:03 PM
I just can't understand people that spend so much of their time wanting so desperately to be famous and to be photographed.
Yeah then has a hissy fit complaining that they want more privacy shrug::
Originally posted by Kathy@Jul 18 2007, 11:03 AM
I just can't understand people that spend so much of their time wanting so desperately to be famous and to be photographed. She is right that it takes a lot of effort. Personally, I would rather go racing and eat chocolate. shrug:: :D

You are right, she does have a great sense of humour. She must have. Look who she married! :D
I see now why you have that avatar - "meow" indeed :D
Like her husband she`s just a Stepford wife.

And let`s be honest, not that much higher up the evolutionary chart than Andre and Jordan.
Originally posted by Headstrong@Jul 18 2007, 01:36 AM
PPS Did you not see the joint interview Posh n Becks did a couple of years ago - can't remember who with, was it Borat? or just someone like Parky? - they were very very clever, and very funny. They sent it right up by seeming to take it very seriously indeed, but everything they said was pretty tongue in cheek whilst still being impeccably polite. I was very impressed.
Ali G?

On at 11pm tonight on ITV1 I think, I'll watch it, missed it last night.
All this moaning about her but you watched which is the aim of the broadcaster. You are feeding these "celebrity" types. If I like I watch if I don't I don't.
I did watch it again and enjoyed it even more the second time :P

And btw no-one despises the celebrity culture more than I do, I'd never read Hello for example, but I did find this whole docu interesting and amusing on several levels. And yes Tom, I noticed the spoon-in-pie horror, it's one of my pet hates YERK!!

What did you think of all the vampire ladies in that hideous house - I wonder what they are keeping themselves alive on! Must have kept several plastic surgeons in business for a while
I thought it was all quite funny.

I also think it is refreshing to see a relatively solid celebrity marraige, a sportsman not taking performance enhancing drugs and a pop star who doesn't feel the need to swear, slag off other bands, take drugs etc....
Originally posted by cricketfan@Jul 19 2007, 02:14 PM
I thought it was all quite funny.

I also think it is refreshing to see a relatively solid celebrity marraige, a sportsman not taking performance enhancing drugs and a pop star who doesn't feel the need to swear, slag off other bands, take drugs etc....
I was under the impression that at one stage their marriage had got a bit Loos.