Champions Day - The Definitive Guide


At the Start
Oct 21, 2003
They are only racing to determine which one will command the biggest stud fee when prematurely retired.

Flat racing is just a tacky publicity stunt for the breeding industry.

I'm off to Cheltenham.
You know..on a day like today where we might get many people interested in posting re Ascot..when they see a thread like this they might feel whats the point of bothering..the board looks like its very anti flat..just viewing the threads that are showing tends to indicate taht.

i have no problem with a bit of banter re flat v jumps..but for a casual viewer who likes flat might put people off bothering seeing a thread devoted to just knocking the flat

just a thought
Ah come on it is only banter. You've got to let the jumps fans get their excitement from somewhere. It's not going to be from a staying handicap chase...
I'm National Hunt through and through but anyone who can't get excited about a horse like Frankel doesn't deserve to call themselves a racing fan.
Don't forget 'honest'.

Listen, I didn't start this thread, and was merely challenging the assertion that you couldn't be a "racing fan" if you had no interest in Frankel - which is cobblers, by the way.

I don't care about Frankel's exploits. I'm so throughly indifferent to them, I only found out yesterday he was a Guineas winner. This does not make me a bad person - just one with absolutely zero interest in the Flat branch of "racing". I am, however, a huge fan of Jumps racing, and won't be told it's otherwise by you, Cruella or anyone else who swoons at the exploits of Frankel - whatever they might be.

PS. There's nothing more tedious and boring than actually going to the effort of typing those words out and posting them on an Internet forum.
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If I see something tedious and boring, I reserve the right to say so.

How many times do you need to make the point that you only like jumps and have no time for the flat? You've done it to death on TRF and now you're at it over here. You wear it like a badge of flaming honour. We know. Just stop going on about it.
If I see something tedious and boring, I reserve the right to say so.

How many times do you need to make the point that you only like jumps and have no time for the flat? You've done it to death on TRF and now you're at it over here. You wear it like a badge of flaming honour. We know. Just stop going on about it.

Agree, well said and good to see such childishness put in its place. If you have no interest in something, don't post, just stick to making productive posts in topics you are interested in.
The "childishness" was in the suggestion that you can't consider yourself a racing fan if you aren't interested in Frankel. All I did was argue against that assertion - something gus also failed to appreciate.
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Don't forget 'honest'.

Listen, I didn't start this thread, and was merely challenging the assertion that you couldn't be a "racing fan" if you had no interest in Frankel - which is cobblers, by the way.

I don't care about Frankel's exploits. I'm so throughly indifferent to them, I only found out yesterday he was a Guineas winner. This does not make me a bad person - just one with absolutely zero interest in the Flat branch of "racing". I am, however, a huge fan of Jumps racing, and won't be told it's otherwise by you, Cruella or anyone else who swoons at the exploits of Frankel - whatever they might be.

PS. There's nothing more tedious and boring than actually going to the effort of typing those words out and posting them on an Internet forum.

:lol: ...I've missed you.