
an capall

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
Something has been annoying me more and more recently - the tolerance of any kind of deviant, annoying or self publishing behavior because it is for 'charity.'

Lady McCartney is a prime example for obvious reasons but I have a pain in the arse watching nobodies interrupt my life and if I complain I am told I am a curmudgeon and it is for 'charity' so I should support it. (Irish: see Celebrity Jigs and Reels et seq).

Another thing that annoys me is colleagues asking me to sponsor their latest parachute jump to raise funds for their upcoming trek through the Amazon forest. If I gently point out the irony in this I am looked at like sh!t on a Jimmy Choo.

Am I alone?


V. Meldrew.
You most certainly are not alone.

There It really fags me off the way people come around with a collection in work to fund their trip to South Africa to build houses for unfortunates.

I am essentially funding their holiday and helping make them feel good about contributing meaningfully to society.
I try not to sponsor anybody at all (and it works!!) Except my granddaughters if doing a school project related to a given local charity...

I would give to selected charitable causes i.e. Cancer research and its affiliates, Mind, RNLI, but draw a line on most other causes, like that red nose thing that’s definitely a no go in my eyes etc.....................

Totally agree

I worked at one place where a very highly paid IT chief came round with a sponsorship form for an electric wheelchair for his grandchild whos a raspberry

I said no. Almost told him to fck off frankly

And if its not that its is always GREAT FCKING ORMOND STREET

I will never give a penny to that

Charity should be a very personal and private matter. There should be zero pressure to contribute to any particular cause and people should not feel guilty about saying no thanks to charities they have little sympathy for
Great Ormond Street relies entirely on charity funding.

Well yes...but its cute isnt it? Croaking kids and Noel edmunds and all that

Africa is "all our fault" so its guilt

Cancer is hedging a future investment

True giving is silent ...and to a cause which is not exactly photogenic and has absolutely zero connection with your own concerns or guilt trips
My favourite charity is St John's Ambulance. They are probably the only one that I would cross a street to go and donate to.

Why? Because without them half the sporting events that I attend couldn't happen. Purely selfish then. I am sure they don't care too much :)
I have long been fed up of causes in the name of "charidee". I give plenty to charity but to the charities I want to, when I want to, and not because some git is rattling a bucket under my nose, begging me to give [nevermind that doing so is actually against the law].
I tend to take each appeal on its own merits.

I've never donated to Children In Need, Live Aid or any other telethon because I object to the emotional blackmail. I do sponsor various ventures in aid of the likes of Marie Curie and regularly give to SCIAF etc.
AC You know what, you're a right miserable fecker :) But so am I mate, :D
Joking apart, I am in total agreement, :clap:
I have absolutely no problem in telling friends and family I am doing the Cancer "Run for Life" 5km for the 3rd year running. I also have absolutely no problem with people preferring not to sponsor me. Some do and some don't. I am going to do the run anyway! :)
Your run for charity is different. You are stepping outside your comfort zone in the interests of others and this is impressive, espcially at your age.

If you asked me to sponsor you to do the 5K run for life on the Great Wall of China, that would be different.

Well done Kathy and keep up the good work!
I only give to causes that I can see the end benefit to.

We did some charity work once which resulted in a machine being bought for the local hospice so you can see where your/our money went.

At present we are collecting plastic bottle tops for a friends son who needs a special wheelchair. A recycling firm as said that if we collect his weight in plastic tops they will buy the chair outright so every dog walk is taken with a plastic bag :P

As previously mentioned, charity begins at home but if you don't need it at home look for something local,there is always somebody or something in need from your local hospice to the RSPCA shelter!

The ones that annoy me most are those that come round the pubs/resturants at night asking for donations :rant:
Originally posted by BlazingWalker@Mar 25 2008, 10:33 PM

At present we are collecting plastic bottle tops for a friends son who needs a special wheelchair. A recycling firm as said that if we collect his weight in plastic tops they will buy the chair outright so every dog walk is taken with a plastic bag :P


Best of luck with your collection, Blazing Walker. I have to take a plastic bag with me when I take my dog for a walk, but it's not plastic bottle tops I put in the bag! :brows:
[The ones that annoy me most are those that come round the pubs/resturants at night asking for donations ]

Hypocritical SALVATION ARMY selling WAR cry, condems all forms of drink and sells- collects in pubs.................
Have you seen the adverts for the Dogs Trust? For just a pound per week the dog you choose to sponsor will actually write you a letter!!!! Amazing!!! :what:
What I always love about these collections is why you have to sign a name and contact number. Is it so that if they get trambled on in the Amazon they know who to call for another fiver?
Unsure if they are allowed to do this in the UK and Ireland. But in Australia several charity funds (such as Save The Kids, Cancer Council, World Wildlife Fund) are allowed to stand on the streets in their uniforms and try and collect money. The only problem is, most are backpackers and these "charity workers" harrass the living daylights out of people as they try to walk down the street to get to their destination.

I ignore them now, put my head down and walk past as they try to yack away about how "my" money will save a life.