
Putin has annexed another state in very similar fashion to hitlers initial aggressive strategies. But thats where it seems to end. For now.

Putin is a nasty piece of work (interesting piece in economist on how it is just the far right and far left who admire him...Guardian and BNP i suppose) but pragmatic rather than unhinged. feeble minded extremists loved to be dommed dont they?

Putin should stick to his young boys and ease his frustrations in the much rumoured manner

I have no time for charles but it means nothing. Ultimately its irrelevant what he thinks. Forgotten in no time
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Putin has annexed another state in very similar fashion to hitlers initial aggressive strategies. But thats where it seems to end. For now.

Putin is a nasty piece of work (interesting piece in economist on how it is just the far right and far left who admire him...Guardian and BNP i suppose) but pragmatic rather than unhinged. feeble minded extremists loved to be dommed dont they?

Putin should stick to his young boys and ease his frustrations in the much rumoured manner

I have no time for charles but it means nothing. Ultimately its irrelevant what he thinks. Forgotten in no time

Care to show examples of how the Guardian have shown their admiration for Putin and also from where are you suggesting Putin likes young boys?

It's not irrelevant at all. I look forward to his letters to ministers getting published and we will see quickly what he is really like.
Charles is a typical fukcing inbred idiot. It's bad enough that we have a monarchy but the thought of him as king?
So at what point did we become a country where pointing out the truth was stupid or a liability? Perhaps we should be applauding him.

At the end of the day that's right

It's his opinion and not wide of the mark in many people's eyes. He doesn't dictate foreign policy and has no influence. It could onlyupset Putin sympathisers and seemingly has

Russia's economy is neither here not there to the uk. It's shrinking and way too reliant on resources that the rest of the world can find elsewhere. Worldwide Gas resources are thankfully smashing their assets
I also read recently that the population there is shrinking so quickly that it isecpected to down to around 100m in a three decades. The uk is expected to be 80m and infinitely more wealthy too

It is such a corrupt state and so geared towards to authoritinarism that there is virtually no chance of properly diversified growing ecomony any time soon
Charles as an individual would have the right to voice his opinion.

The fact he's a member of the Royal Family and possibly will be King one day deprives him of the at right.

It is simply not the done thing.

That said "Good on ya Charlie" the bas**** is one nasty piece of work
Another example of the media so desperate for stories they hype up a nothing event like this. UKIP, Halal meat and now this. All non stories.
I don't think this is a nothing event, Euro. What's happening in Ukraine is very disturbing. Charles is right up to a point (although to compare Putin with Hitler is a bit extreme even for me) but on these public visits anything he says cannot be interpreted as a private remark and especially so if reports are accurate that he agreed to being miked up.

Philip is a legend at putting his foot in his mouth. Charles looks to be following suit. I'm beginning to think Philip might even be his father.
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Splitting hairs slightly, the reports that I read said that he compared Russia with Nazi Germany rather than a personal comparison of Putin/Hitler.
In any case, there's probably a closer correlation between Nazi Germany and the 'transitional' (ie. questionably legal) government in Kiev if you're talking shades of the racist rainbow.
Given that I think that it's no business of ours (or Wee Willie Hague's), I'd rather he kept out of it but I have far more respect for a thinking constitutional monarchy than the alternative.
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All the quotes I've heard are the same as Archie - tho that's the bbc news cos I don't really do papers and things any more....

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