Charlie Drake

Very sad news. I haven't heard about him for a few years. A very funny man in his hey day.
I used to enjoy his stuff when I was a kid, and remember watching him when he was knocked unconscious at the end of one of his shows (most tv was live then).
Oh, dear, like Dims I thought he'd already died! Yes, 'Hallo, my little darlings' was his catchphrase, and he was very funny indeed. I thought he was much older than 81, for some reason. Ah, well, off to join that pantheon of comics in Comedy Heaven now.
Oh, dear. I put it to you, Ma'llard, this has gone far enough...

Seeing those clips of his shows makes me wish they'd do a re-run of them. I remember being hysterical at the one where he plays (manically) all of the instruments in an orchestra!
I've just seen on the web that there's one in Aylesbury near the pond. I may well pop down after Christmas.
My New Year resolution is to snipe at no-one, just lark about a bit, and hopefully not make a complete tit of myself. Buzzard to see it staying that way!
K, I asked whose Tern is it next and I expected you to give the obvious answer ' Merlin,'........ you've let me down :huh:
God, wit is in abundance tonight, but if I Pochard I might win this Little Stint. Knot that there isn't fierce competition, but I shan't Quail, nor Grouse or Rail against the Bustards to whom this is no mere Hobby. Scoter finish soon, though, as I want to get on with my Scaup 6!