Chat Box

I see Col is logged on...probably working on something...and not doubt explain it later. There is an option to hide it on the right hand corner...imagine it is some sort of chatroom option.

I just notice a thing called Chatbox on the screen at the top of the main menu.

What's that all about?
ok have installed a chat box as you can see as a little test, they are quite popular on a couple of forums i use so thought it would be worth trying.

It is only a test at the moment as I'm not sure what the server load will increase to, so just trying it out.

Be aware the same rules apply in chat as they do in the forum. There is enough to moderate without having to constantly watch the chat box so anyone abusing it will be banned from using it.
If I find its cause the server too much load then I do have the option of switching it off and maybe just putting it on on say Saturdays or for big meetings. That would also be an option if it starts getting abused too. The messages refresh every 30 seconds at the moment so don't type a message 10 times thinking it hasn't posted!

Any views?
As I am still pretty much computor iliterate, please could this fuction be explained by someone in laymans terms.
I think it works well (provided as Col says it does not disturb the hosting etc).

Over the last year or so I think the forum has certainly got back on its feet in terms of content, posters and the upgrade from the previous forum (take a bow Col) has been a huge success in terms of reliablity and usablilty (Krizon and her smiles excluded!!). The Chatbox is a nice addition...anyone with any other thoughts on improving the place, getting more people posting, introducing the forum to new people etc can let me know through PM or this if need be.
An exellent addition from Talking Horses, sometimes I have felt like having a short and quick disscusion with other members but havent found the appropriate thread, cheers.
Just one request...

Would it be possible to install a mobile skin that detects when the site is accessed from a non-full size browser? I think there are a few kicking around for vbulletin.

I regularly access TH on my mobile and whilst it works fine, it is quite CPU hungry (making pages just delay for a few seconds before they render) and since the addition of the chat box - more so - actually resulting in a few crashes.

Not urgent, but it would be a useful usability enhancement.

I've started using my phone to view the forum too. It's a great way to pass a quiet half hour on the train etc. Anything that would help would be greatly appreciated.
i'll look into that, probably be next week now though as been working today, and again tomorrow, only got tuesday off this week.
Cheers Col, whenever you get a chance. As someone who accesses the forum on a mobile as well it sounds handy.