Cheltenham Countdown


Senior Jockey
Mar 4, 2004
South Lanarkshire
We've discussed the races, analysed till we're black in the face and swapped tales of joy and woe. This thread is to allow a place to vent your emotional excitement at the Festival which awaits us in just 8 DAYS TIME (less 10 minutes) (17 once the starter/jockeys get over excited at the start of the Supreme).

I am on the verge of weeing myself. It is possible that I may involuntarily orgasm at some point over the next week.

Originally posted by simmo@Mar 3 2008, 04:12 PM
I am on the verge of weeing myself. It is possible that I may involuntarily orgasm at some point over the next week.

Hmmm....too much information Simmo.

May I suggest that you purchase some incontinence knickers?
Originally posted by Bar the Bull@Mar 3 2008, 02:54 PM
If I were in the same room as you, Simmo, you would see the veins bursting in my temples from the sheer excitement of it all.

Seeing as we are separated by land and sea, you will have to take my word for it.
In the words of Sir Paul McCartney, "Hands across the water, hands across the sea".

Although given our current state of excitement, such an activity may simply look like an Inter-Island Turd Creating Competition to the casual onlooker.

PS I stole the black in the face line from Charlie Drake.
The longest week of the year - bar none.

I am practically beside myself with anticipation.

Aren't I?

Yes you are.

Indeed, a very long week culminating in the highlight, the event we've been talking about for months....

The Winter Derby :nuts:
I'm very excited - I went on hols last week and a big part of the timing of the organisation was that it means I would be out of the country for a week of the agonisingly long two week buildup before the Festival where precious little happens but rumour and idle speculation.

Will be working through the week but have a very good chance of getting the Tuesday off to enjoy
This site really buzzes for the next two weeks. A veritable host of opinions, facts, and general info as we all warm up. As KK would say 'I love it, really love it'.

BTW Despite Fitzgerald's comments about a decision on Sentry Duty the price on Befair for the Ballymore Props race went from 79> 20. Looks like one of my AP bets has gone down.