Cheltenham Saturday


At the Start
Apr 16, 2005
Can't wait to go back to Mecca for proper racing once more.
The bloody flat seems to have been longer than ever this year
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Alan Potts always said he favoured the Flat for punting and NH for the sport. I totally agree and kind of think people who are anti-flat are just shite at betting.
Wish I could but working.
RUK will do though.

Who you calling shite at betting :suspect:

How on earth did you know?

Last bet was Punchestown so am gagging to lose some cash coz I don't bet on Flat/Greyhounds :D

Roll on saturday
Threads like these are so tedious.

Towards the end of the Flat season we get jumps fans talking about the return of "proper racing" and we get similar comments from Flat aficionados come the second half of March.

Both codes have their merits. By all means feel free to prefer one to the other. But spare us these boring threads.
Serious rain here in Cheltenham today and tonight with frost forecast later in the week, looks as if the going could be sticky this weekend
The rain was more constant than heavy with the odd heavy shower and it didn't start until lunchtime so I can't see it having enough of an effect that it would be bad. Besides, sticky ground tends to arise when it's drying rather than soft! Assuming the track has recovered from last season's debacle of bad ground all season brought on by Claisse getting over-excited with the hose immediately prior to the PP meeting it should be nice ground I hope.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Oct 17 2007, 03:17 PM
The rain was more constant than heavy with the odd heavy shower and it didn't start until lunchtime so I can't see it having enough of an effect that it would be bad. Besides, sticky ground tends to arise when it's drying rather than soft! Assuming the track has recovered from last season's debacle of bad ground all season brought on by Claisse getting over-excited with the hose immediately prior to the PP meeting it should be nice ground I hope.
Claisse excitedwith his hose, what are you insinuating??!!!!
Sorry to bore you with a tedious thread cus/gus/qus???????? :eek:
If you actually start a thread for the first time in two years then maybe I can be influenced for the future
Don't take it so personally, harry.

It's not a dig at you in particular but at all the "proper racing" types of either code. Without fail, there are threads like these on every forum at this time of year and again come March. That's my point.
So, is this whateveryone has been waiting for?

Is the racing at the Paddy Power meeting strong enough to justify three days.

By genearal consensus on here, Friday's racing was weak, I'll skim over yesterday's events, probably just two of those things!!!

.............and if the weather there today is anything like it is here, there will be some very tired horses slogging up that bloody hill.

Seriously, surely two days with seven races on each day would be better value for the race-goer, but does Mr. Gillespie think along those lines!
Agreed Col..

Always enjoy the cross-country race and the Greatwood especially, but most of the rest of it is vastly overhyped.. definitely need to do away with the Friday IMO..
Why do we definitely need to do away with the friday ?

Why is there an increasing demand for this long established three day meeting to be decreased to two just because some people arent happy with the standard of ALL the races and/or can't afford to go to it all ?
Exactly, Goober. So, the racing was good, but not quite as high class as it has been for the last couple of years (during which we have been lucky). Why is that then? It's pretty obvious that the reason this year's card may have been not as good as in recent years is down to the fast ground; many trainers are simply unwilling to risk their best horses on firm and/or consistently watered ground.

I'm no fan of Gillespie (in fact he was high up in the list of "people I have to drop-kick from the top of the stands" this weekend) but he can't make it rain if Mother Nature doesn't want it to!

The six race, three day card works well and the meeting is very popular - despite the foul weather there were still plenty of people there again today - and attendance is high.
Originally posted by Colin Phillips@Nov 18 2007, 12:44 PM
Is the racing at the Paddy Power meeting strong enough to justify three days.
UG and SL, this was the question I was answering in my post; in my opinion, the racing is not strong enough to justify being drawn out for three days..

I appreciate, judging by the attendance on the Friday (Countryside Day :brows: ) that I am in the minority on this one... so be it.
I'm confused.

Why does there have to be a justification for the three days? Why is it referred to as being 'drawn out' over three days as though there's somesort of tortuous act being performed on innocent racegoers or punters.

All the races were of a reasonable standard.

If every meeting at Cheltenham was of an amazingly high quality throughout then the meetings that are already of an amazingly high quality will not be as appreciated. For there to be great and for the great to be appreciated there has to be awful and a lot of in between.

Personally I dont like all this bunging of all the best races into one or two days as has happened to alot of meetings, flat and jumps. Spread them out a bit as they were before and savour them more, thats what I say.