Chester Accident


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Great to hear all three horses and jockeys are none the worse for that horrific fall at Chester in the last. Obviously they will be stiff and sore but how on earth none of those involved were not more seriously injured is beyond me.
Dreadful - it all happened so fast it was hard to see what happened... It looked as if Seb's horse slipped on the bend. Has it been raining there? Latest is that one of the jocks has been taken to hospital - Seb I think - with an injured leg.

That race was followed by Kaateb breaking down at Sandown - looked like he broke a leg :( Dramatic stuff, why does it always happen on a Saturday!

PS Seb has a suspected broken leg, poor beggar

Kaateb was put down, very sad esp as he's been in great form this season
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The Kaateb incident was at Sandown, apparently all the 3 Chester horses got up and were fine but for a few cuts and stiffness
RUK report that Sir Duke suffered fatal injuries in the Chester race. Really unfortunate when you consider connections were only running here after getting balloted out at Ascot and Sandown and the York fixture was abandoned.

Regarding the comments about things like this only happening on a Saturday - well that's just wrong isn't it.
ruk was faster on the draw with the news about Sir Duke; if Ch 4 mentioned it I missed it flicking over to atr. A terrible loss of a still-improving horse for a small yard like D'Arcy's and for the owner Jan Harris

DJ, we go many racing days on the flat without losing horses - but it does quite often happen on a Saturday which is unfortunate due to the reaction of the 'general public' and esp the 'Animal Rights' people. The racing on a Saturday with its bigger prize money and terrestrial TV coverage does lead to extra-competitive racing, and horses are more likely to break down or slip up under max pressure - it's an unfortunate fact of life.
ruk was faster on the draw with the news about Sir Duke; if Ch 4 mentioned it I missed it flicking over to atr. A terrible loss of a still-improving horse for a small yard like D'Arcy's and for the owner Jan Harris

DJ, we go many racing days on the flat without losing horses - but it does quite often happen on a Saturday which is unfortunate due to the reaction of the 'general public' and esp the 'Animal Rights' people. The racing on a Saturday with its bigger prize money and terrestrial TV coverage does lead to extra-competitive racing, and horses are more likely to break down or slip up under max pressure - it's an unfortunate fact of life.

Its a "fact" that more horses break down on a Saturday than during the week? I agree obviously the racing is more competitive but I seriously doubt there is any evidence to suggests injury or accidents like this occur more often over the weekend.
Saturday = more races = more horses = bigger chance of a breakdown occurring. I would guess the stats would show that the number of breakdowns per day per horse is more or less uniform across the week.
Since the start of the Cheltenham Festival last year:

Day Total
Monday 37
Tuesday 28
Wednesday 51
Thursday 38
Friday 21
Saturday 41
Sunday 39

That is before you take Gareth's horses-per-day into account.
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horses are more likely to break down or slip up under max pressure - it's an unfortunate fact of life.

Do you watch racing in the week? Your post implies horses only come off the bridle at weekends. Interesting 'facts' on the matter by betsmate rather than half-baked theories.
Its a "fact" that more horses break down on a Saturday than during the week? I agree obviously the racing is more competitive but I seriously doubt there is any evidence to suggests injury or accidents like this occur more often over the weekend.

I have never said, anywhere, that it's a 'fact' that more horses break down on Saturdays - I said it's a fact that Saturday racing is more pressurised, for jocks and for horses - which is quite likely to lead to more accidents. It's very unfortunate that Saturday accidents - which are NOT infrequent, and we had a big spate last winter - give ammunition to those who hate racing!

I'm really tired of this constant sniping from the same small group of people, a couple of them Mods, which often involves mis-representing what I've said in an effort to discredit it. Songsheet was right!
Do you watch racing in the week? Your post implies horses only come off the bridle at weekends. Interesting 'facts' on the matter by betsmate rather than half-baked theories.

I both watch and go racing during the week, as anyone who knows the first thing about me would know

I said it's a 'fact' that horses & jockeys are more likely to make mistakes under max pressure, and that Saturday racing is ultra competitive for reasons which I stated and should be obvious to anyone who seriously follows racing.

To try to pretend that observation amounts to a 'half baked theory' is just being perverse [and personal].

Betsmate's stats are interesting and welcome. It's a shame so many on here can't have a debate without making personal digs and trying to score points over people they don't like, it's becoming extremely tiresome. No wonder so many have left or stopped posting.
Headstrong this is a forum, where people debate opinions and facts. If there is anything that I have posted on this thread that you've misconceived as sniping, then that is precisely what has happened - it has been misconceived.

FWIW - I agree with you, in that because racing has a much higher profile on a Saturday any deaths or injuries are even more unfortunate as as well as the sad loss for all the connections and fans it occurs in full view of the critical but vocal minority.

Edit: Our posts crossed. I'm glad it wasn't me then. Shall I reserve to point out that I was the only mod posting on the thread :) Nah!!!
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Animal Aid clearly watch racing on weekdays since they were quick to jump on the Great Leighs bandwagon ~ they planted themselves outside the main gates during May to make a thing of the horses that had died there.

Great Leighs has certainly suffered an abnormally large attrition rate, not least for the flat. I've seen two horses have to be shot there when I've been there and quite a few have suffered the same fate in the short shelf life GLs has had so far.