Nice to know that you girls know so much about birds
We were recently at our friends farm in Warwickshire which she has turned into a small zoo, one visitor, a young man said look at that cuckoo over there, I looked and saw this bird flying six inches above the hedge backwards and forwards, I said to the young fella, similar colours but that is a cock sparrow hawk, he said how do you know it is a cock bird ? I replied because the cock is blue/grey in colour and the hen is darkish brown, however, he still thought it was a cuckoo, I asked him to watch, I had only just said the last word when a greenfinch popped it's head from above the hedge and was instantly snatched by the hawk, a cuckoo eh and this man is thinkinking of taking up falconry duh
I would suggest he spends time with a competant falconer and read many, many books, you girls know far more than him
Songsheet, birds of prey with the exception of owls are masters of flight, their body produces a type of laquer or wax the feathers are very hard, it is like running your hand over very tight canvas, it has to be this way so they are able to twist and turn flip over backwards at magnificent speed, the peragrine falcon has been recorded as flying at the speed of 283 MPH.
Shadow, you mention the buzzard, one of my favourite birds excellent rat killers :lol: You saw one in or near cheltenham, Oh Gloucestershire what a lovely county, all birds are on the increae in numbers in the UK inclusive of birds of prey, the eagle owl has crossed over the north sea from sweden, they are breeding in north yorkshire, they have been found in our neighbour county shropshire, wow I have mentioned gloucesterhire, warwickshire, and shropshire, England still has many lovely parts if you now where to look
Shame about the dead birds Krizon but they were possibly this years youngsters who had not required the survival skills, very much a shame but it happens.
Never told you I think of one of my other interests, SPIDERS, very intelligent little creatures, I can remember as if it were yesterday, I was aged 3/4 my late father let a spider from his shed walk up and down his arm, I asked if I could have the spider, he put it in my hand, it walked around my hand up and down my arm, I giggled, I appreciate that many, many people suffer from aracnophobia but I like the little gems, if there is a spider in our home I am asked to move it, it does not bother me the size I will happily pick up any none venemous spider, yes I have had a few nips from spiders but you can not compre this to a parrots bite that leaves you with blood dripping down your fingers ouch, I know I am a little obscure but it does not bother me to be the court jester
I am glued to the TV watching David Attenboroughs new programme.
If We have heavy snow fall I guess the kids will make snowmen, snowmen so clich'e so, I intend to be different, not surprised are you :lol: I am going to be very different and construct a five foot high snow parrot and a life size snow horse, I can hear the neighbours now, Oh that Mark always has to be different, you bet your life, I love to be different. :lol: :lol: :lol: