Our Council's written a warning about a premium rate scam which has begun now that the season of good rip-offs to all men is here. Please inform any vulnerable folks you know that if they receive a card from the Parcel Delivery Service (PDS) telling them they tried to deliver a parcel, but couldn't, and that they should dial 0906 6611911 to arrange another date, they will immediately be charged £15 to a premium rate line which isn't the PDS.
If you or anyone you know gets a card, you can alert the Royal Mail Fraud people on 020 723 96655 or ICSTIS (the premium rate service regulator) at www.icstis.org.uk.
If you or anyone you know gets a card, you can alert the Royal Mail Fraud people on 020 723 96655 or ICSTIS (the premium rate service regulator) at www.icstis.org.uk.