Christmas Nasties


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
Our Council's written a warning about a premium rate scam which has begun now that the season of good rip-offs to all men is here. Please inform any vulnerable folks you know that if they receive a card from the Parcel Delivery Service (PDS) telling them they tried to deliver a parcel, but couldn't, and that they should dial 0906 6611911 to arrange another date, they will immediately be charged £15 to a premium rate line which isn't the PDS.

If you or anyone you know gets a card, you can alert the Royal Mail Fraud people on 020 723 96655 or ICSTIS (the premium rate service regulator) at
I'm afraid your council has been the victim of a scam then Krizon, and perhaps instead of wasting their (your council tax) money, they'd have been better served by checking that tale out on t'net - it isn't possible to be charged any more than around £1.50/minute for a premium rate call......

Here's what the ICSTIS site says about that number:

'This is what we know about the number you entered (09066611911).

We have the following information about this number.
This is a Parcel Delivery Service. ICSTIS removed access to this number in December 2005. Recipients received cards in the post suggesting a parcel was unable to be delivered and the premium rate number should be called . This service costs £1.50 per minute from BT landlines (Higher rates may apply if the call is made through a different phone network).
This service has been adjudicated upon. Click the 'More…' link for further information. More...
We also have contact details for the company that provides this service. If you have any queries about it, please get in touch with them to find out more.

Studio Telecom
1 Mapp Street
Belize City
Central America

Whilst icstis endeavours to publish accurate information concerning the above services, it does not guarantee the information or its accuracy. Therefore it cannot be held liable for any losses, whether direct or indirect, as a result of reliance upon the accuracy, or any other usage, of the information provided.

about icstis events@icstis jobs@icstis contact us privacy policy site map
I had it 3 weeks ago app........ but glad I never posted it, or someone would have found fault with it and said its ANOTHER URBAN MYTH......................... :o :o :lol:
(1) It is not an urban myth, in that it was true.

(2) But it was true a year ago and, as Raksha says, ICSTIS clamped down on it.

(3) The maximum that can be charged on a premium rate phone call is £1.50 a minute and no call can go over £15.00. The PDS response call was six minutes long and cost £9.00.

(4) It was well discussed on this forum a year ago and is probably still in the archives. So it's a pity that Brighton council don't subscribe to Talking Horses.
I'll let the Manageress of our flats know - she received this through the housing association which runs this and many other blocks in Brighton & Hove, so I expect all of the other Managers were sent copies. The association was sent the letter (it appears on B & H letterhead), so maybe it will inform the Council to get with it. Mind you, for a body which has still not entirely agreed the fate of a broken-down old pier, now falling incrementally into the sea for over 30 years, it may be some time... :(

I find the fact that this was discussed a year ago fairly irrelevant, in that the scam could have resurfaced this year, too. We still discuss the irrelevancy which is MONTJEU vs SINNDAR, don't we?
Originally posted by krizon@Nov 30 2006, 08:33 PM
I find the fact that this was discussed a year ago fairly irrelevant, in that the scam could have resurfaced this year, too.
Not as described because, as I said, ICSTIS nipped it in the bud. So the name of the organisation (PDS, Parcel Delivery Service - not a genuine name) and the phone number (0906 6611911) could not have been used.