Christmas Presents

Thought a little thread for anyone giving or wanting Christmas presents with a horse racing theme might be useful. I always buy my own and family just give me the money, saves on all the unwanted handkerhiefs, socks etc and all the hastle trying to think of something.

This looks interesting for starters

hmmm that could be a present for me too :)

Its also on amazon for the same price

Clicky to amazon
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Sorry not quite the purpose of this thread but could any one recommend anything similar to ' Eric Clapton & Friends: The Breeze - An Appreciation of JJ Cale ' CD, which a Blues fan may appreciate?
Thanks :)
Sorry not quite the purpose of this thread but could any one recommend anything similar to ' Eric Clapton & Friends: The Breeze - An Appreciation of JJ Cale ' CD, which a Blues fan may appreciate?
Thanks :)
I have the 2006 JJ Cale and Eric Clapton CD "The Road To Escondido".
I like it, but again it ain't no worldshaker. Not really pure Blues -- more easy listening laid-back southern-ish stuff. It's okay, tho'

Never buy anything without a free listen. :)
You can have get a feel of the album here:
I always buy my own and family just give me the money, saves on all the unwanted handkerhiefs, socks etc and all the hastle trying to think of something.

That would pretty much kill the spirit of Christmas for me. People who buy stuff for me (not many, just Mrs O and Orchidette) would never dream of buying me stuff like that. Dropping hints for the previous six months is part of the fun!

This year I'm expecting a golf-themed Christmas...

Secret Santa at work was usually okay as people tended to make surreptitious enquiries about what others might like. And if all else failed, a big tub of chocolates seldom went unappreciated.
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I have the 2006 JJ Cale and Eric Clapton CD "The Road To Escondido".
I like it, but again it ain't no worldshaker. Not really pure Blues -- more easy listening laid-back southern-ish stuff. It's okay, tho'

Never buy anything without a free listen. :)
You can have get a feel of the album here:

Thank you this will go down well I think! :) I bought the one above after hearing a track on radio 2, and normally not my thing, but I really liked it, and it went down very well when I bought it as a pressie. I can't remember the track ( !) but produced by Simon Climie who as a song writer I really like too.
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I received the RP Hurricane Fly 'book' for my Christmas yesterday.

I would severely caution anyone else against spending the £14.99 on this tome, as it is basically a collection of photographs, and offers nothing on the way of analysis or context of The Fly's career. Definitely one for 'the fan', and likely to be of little-to-no interest to anyone else.
I received the RP Hurricane Fly 'book' for my Christmas yesterday.

I would severely caution anyone else against spending the £14.99 on this tome, as it is basically a collection of photographs, and offers nothing on the way of analysis or context of The Fly's career. Definitely one for 'the fan', and likely to be of little-to-no interest to anyone else.

you could write a good one on him just using the Champion Hurdle threads through the fact i'm surprised you haven't written one yet:)