Christmas Quiz (Jumps)


Senior Jockey
Nov 14, 2006
To alleviate the boredom of no racing beating the weather, me and a pal have been firing each other racing quiz questions back and forth the last few days.

If there's any interest (say a half-dozen people minimum), and the Mods are prepared to open the Chatroom for us, I'll be happy to run a wee quiz one night over the next few days. I can't do Friday (on the lash) or Sunday (WCF and lad's birthday), but could do Saturday, or one night next week.

If you're interested in participating, please post here. If there's no interest, there's no drama. :thumbsup:
We had a lecturer in Vet College, Brendan Whitty who had a story for every genus of bacteria.
A few years ahead of me was a student who never attended lectures, (not compulsory) but in small faculty like vet college was missed.
Come the oral exam no lecturer recognised him but as he had passed all exams to that point could not be failed.
Anyways Mr Whitty examined him via his stories to catch him out in some way.
Luckily the student got his notes from the one student in class who wrote everything down so the student no one recognised passed with flying colours.