Class My Ass

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
I had a go at the BBC class calculator.

I input my current income (as opposed to the household) and took it from there. I'm traditional working class according to that. So far OK.

My wife has the same background as me but factor in her salary and her love of the arts, opera, the theatre, etc and she's 'Elite'.

Elite????? What a load of keech.

She isn't even snobbish (otherwise she wouldn't touch me with the proverbial).
Another Police Embarrassment

Youth PCC rumbled for offensive twitter remarks.

Anyone surprised?

Stupid idea.

Stupid boss.

Stupid girl.

And she was 'by miles the best candidate'!!! Were there any other candidates? Is she related to anyone at the top of the police food chain?

The post should be scrapped immediately. Let the girl grow up and no doubt become an offensive adult, when the law can deal with her appropriately.