Classy, Eh? Man Utd Party

It's been shown to be notoriously hard to prove.

Sad to say, it's also been shown to be notoriously easy to make up.
It seems to have been about as tacky as you can get

What baffles me is..... why?

If they wanted to bang a couple of birds or whatever, then they can...

Lapdancing etc is for those that cant get it

Reading between the lines...sounds like the rape story has some substance (and im not saying what :suspect: )
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Dec 19 2007, 11:34 AM

It couldn't be ROONEY he would surely have missed the hole..............
The 'alleged' victim is also a bit young for him...
100 women invited to the party, and the WAGS were not invited, what did these girls think they were going for, is that really the extent of their ambition, a night with Rio????
I didnt say they went to get raped, what I meant was that these girls went to this party with the sole intention of having sex with a footballer. The players knew this was on the agenda which is why the WAGS were not invited.
The allegation of rape is terrible and - if guilty - the player deserves life in jail. If innocent however the girl needs to ask herself why she went to the party?
Apologies for misunderstanding your post Ovverbruv. I can't see why an self respecting young woman would want to go to such a party - though I feel the reasons have already been detailed earlier in this thread.
It didn't quite make the news, but apparently a Man U reserve has handed himself in to the police.

I don't wish to sound flippant but...... what price some dappy blonde had come miles to get laid by a Man U player, succeeded, and then had the ***** ripped out of her by the paper she planned to sell the story to when she mentioned his name and they didn't know it ?

I really hope it wasn't rape, but if my the above scenario is true I hope she is done for wasting police time. More importantly, and again I am being presumptious in thinking that this is just a girl who is crying wolf, I hope it stops other women making these things up as it does nothing to help the real victims of what is possibly the worst crime short of murder.

Apologies if anyone takes offence to this.