Clouded Leopard

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
Fascinating news item on the BBC this morning.

They've discovered a new species of big cat which they're calling the Clouded Leopard. It's a beautiful creature (as are all the big cats - it's the little ones I can't abide.)

I don't know how to make links (not being involved in the sausage industry) but if you go to the BBC News home page and click the Science/Nature link, it's in there with video.
It certainly is beautiful, but the news is not that it's new - there are some in zoos, but that DNA has proven it's a totally different species to the 'ordinary' leopard from other parts of Asia.
Originally posted by Desert Orchid@Mar 15 2007, 11:28 AM
Thanks, Rashka. Somehow the name 'clouded leopard' didn't sound original to me!
It's the name of a TTouch move, as this move was first practised on a Clouded Leopard in a zoo.