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Dormant account
Jun 2, 2003
One thing I hate having is a cold. I can't take any remedies with decongestant in as it makes my heart race and think I'm going to faint so I'm reduced to lying on the couch eating soothers and drinking kiddies' Lemsips and hot toddies. I got short shrift from work when phoning in sick (I haven't had a day off sick for over a year) and a comment about the people who were there not feeling too well either. As a result I'm thoroughly pissed off. Anyone got any wierd or wonderful remedies? I'm at that stage where I'd probably try nearly anything....
Much better than lemsips is hot honey and lemon.I found honey with lemon oil in it in supermarket other day,I just add some hot water and squeeze of lemon.Yummy even when not sick!
Wait for a Scottish contributor to come along with a receipe for a hot toddy. Had an absolute stinker of a cold in Glasgow a few years ago, and some made me one up. I thought it was some silly urban myth, but whoofed it down. 45 mintues later the whole thing had cleared up.

Mind you I've been struck down all week myself and haven't resorted to my own advice :lol: totally illogical I know
Originally posted by Lee Chater@Jan 5 2007, 07:30 PM
People should be told to stay at home rather than infect others :angry:
Fear not Lee, I've faithfully observed your advice all week, so have half the office by the sounds of things, and a good few of them aren't even ill. If women can have bird flu, I can have man flu :P
A good prevention is a double dose of vitamin C & zinc throughout the winter - it boosts the immune system. Everyone in the office is dying of "flu" (well, they are men!!!) yet I've been fine - been dosing myself up with as much vitamin c and zinc as I can stomach!

I agree with jft too though - a dose of some good, hot chilis in your food does wonders!!
If you do nothing, a cold will go away in about seven days. If you take any of the various treatments, it will go away in about a week.

But some of the treatments will make you feel better.

I've been laid low since 28/12. I have no appetite when I'm unwell but usually force myself to eat oranges/tangerines and drink apple juice with hot water. A few doses of paracetamol and the odd coffee sometimes help but I need to look after myself as I'm also asthmatic. Once I get my appetite back, I know I'm past the worst.
A good night out :D

Nah kidding! We recently had a bad case of laryngitis going around our office. I had not been sick in over 18 months (touch wood) and then I came down with this damn thing. I was in bed most of the week despite antibiotics.

Nothing worse than the flu, and people coming into work with it.
Lemsip in a glass of Red wine always works for me. Go to sleep with a cold/flu wake up a lot of hours later feeling fine.
The difference between even a bad cold and influenza is like QUIXALL CROSSETT versus RACING DEMON. No contest at all - I've had bad colds like anyone else, but only influenza twice. I was laid out for the best part of two weeks (like Desert Orchid I'm asthmatic so take this stuff a bit more wheezily) and could not believe how godawful I felt, all over, all the time. You feel like Vinnie Jones has kicked you down six flights of stairs and food is nauseating. Anyone who thinks they're better after a day ain't got 'flu.
Agreed Kri. I had flu once about 20 years ago. I couldn't move and thought I was going to die. It took 8 weeks to get rid of.
I don't get colds, instead I always get nasty sinus infections. I would rather have a cold anyday!
I had proper flu last February whilst 8 months pregnant and just before my birthday so that was ruined. When pregnant there's nothing you can take apart from paracetamol so I suffered even more. I barely left my bed for a week and still wasn't completely fit and well when Georgia arrived a month later.
If anyone turns up at a meeting of The E. Dead Group with a cold, a chain saw is used to rid them of the offending part of the body (i.e. the head). Coughs and sneezes don't spread diseases the E. Dead way.
I had flu once. It was horrid. I didn't get out of bed for two weeks. I had two bad colds one after the other just before Christmas which sucked but the only problem I have with colds is when they make my ears pop. Sometimes only one of them will pop which affects my balance.
I had a bad one in the middle of NOV last, and a chest infection to boot, that lasted 5 weeks I should have seen the doctor regards the chest bug, but it really (I lost my voice for 4 days) was the worse bug in years that I have had........ :cry:

REMEDIES??? I tried them all Brandy Whiskey and Whisky!!!

Covinia cough medicine, asprin, paracetemol,etc etc but it just took its own course I think with these bugs you need to try and get as comfortable as you possibly can and let them take their course or until its passed out of your system..... drink plenty of fluids......... ;)
brandy, grated ginger and warm water. you will sweat your bollocks off but it works.
My friend who is a sikh told me this and it always works!!