Comment piece on Cheltenham in the Guardian

I think that's a very good piece, although two references to being drunk might put off some people - on the other hand, I can see them attracting just the type everyone bemoans gets bladdered at Flat racing's music nights! A drunk's a drunk for a'that, and I'm not sure I find one quaintly charming because he's falling about at some bucolic course, versus one who's 'a disgrace' because he's attended the Polytrack.

There's probably a class divide about drunks! I'm not sure that Glover's rural idyll of classlessness is true, either - I think that Derby Day has been, is, and hopefully always will be about all kinds mixing and raucous good behaviour. Cheltenham has got its elite hospitality boxes as much as Epsom or Ascot, and many people - "traditionalists" - despise its shops and tented village, so the notion that it's happily untainted by 'commerce' is untrue.
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Spaceegg - it is a truth universally acknowledged that people who comment online on newspaper articles are bonkers.
Spaceegg - it is a truth universally acknowledged that people who comment online on newspaper articles are bonkers.

I s'pose, though I was beginning to warm to some of the giddy Puritan fantasies about racegoers. I suddenly saw myself as a debauched Bacchanalian dandy wallowing in the fleshpots of Hexham...
The comments under that piece embody everything I dislike about the Guardian and much of its readership.

What a bunch of hand-wringing, lefty idiots (apologies in advance to anyone on here who reads it)!
Love the idea of 'the fleshpots of Hexham'! :lol::lol: Beautifully imagined, Eggy.
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