Computer Advice Please


At the Start
Jun 3, 2003
The West Country
My neighbour has a laptop which has mysteriously moved the taskbar across to the right hand side of the screen, instead of it lying across the base of the screen.
Could anyone please tell me how you get the taskbar back to its original place. Thanks in advance. :)
Should be a simple case of drag and drop back to the base of the screen, Dims.

ie left click mouse and hold down while dragging to rightful position
I had an email this morning from my friend with the taskbar technical hitch. She nows has another slight problem...........

" The icons on the right for time, date, volume, local area connection and another 3 are stacked vertically in two columns and on the left I have 6 new icons for English, microphone,Speech tools, handwriting, drawing pad and restore (I've just clicked restore and they've now disappeared!! So now I have a deep status bar with the right hand icons still stacked vertically, the programmes running shown horizontally, but underneath the 'start' button. "

How can she get the deep status back to being a narrow one? I have asked her to unlock the taskbar and drag it to the size she wants, but haven't heard anything back yet.
Make sure the taskbar is not locked (right click on it) and it should just be a case of moving your curser to the top of the taskbar until you see the up/down arrows then left click & hold down then drag it down.