Coroner says Shergar rider died after falling from window


Senior Jockey
Dec 6, 2011
Bangkok Thailand
His name was Walter Swinburn you tossers

Shergar more important was he?

I find their heading offensive and they should apologise to his family
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Shergar more important was he?

Outside of our bubble, very much so.

Where did you find this headline? Can't find one using Shergar's name rather than Walter Swinburn's though I suspect this may have been changed.

The Mirror and The Star ought to be deeply ashamed for referring to his state of dress in the headlines but that would be too much to expect from tabloid scribes.
I suppose you are right but who the hell reads their website other than racing fans....the did change it perhaps they thought better of it who knows.
The Mirror and The Star ought to be deeply ashamed for referring to his state of dress in the headlines but that would be too much to expect from tabloid scribes.

The Mail as well: " his pants..." in their headline despite no mention whatsoever being made of this "detail" in the accompanying report. But, then again, what would you expect from that particular rag of rags?
The Mail as well: " his pants..." in their headline despite no mention whatsoever being made of this "detail" in the accompanying report. But, then again, what would you expect from that particular rag of rags?

That's a self inflicted wound Gus. You should know better.
Ah. Yes. I do try to avoid the website nowadays and my life is better for it.

An aberration on my part.