Court Masterpiece


Senior Jockey
Aug 8, 2007
How depressing to see a one time Sussex Stakes winner running in a claimer at York . He is still an entire - could they not find a place for him at stud or was he infertile ?

Considering all he won for the Maktoums you might have thought they could have found him a few quid for a dignified retirement .
Not as depressing as the two jockies that lost thier life, thoughts should be with them at the moment rather than a horse who won the Sussex Stakes then ran well at York behind Regal Parade after a long absence.
Seven wins in thirty-eight starts and two of them at G1, that just doesn't quite sit right.
Not as depressing as the two jockies that lost thier life, thoughts should be with them at the moment rather than a horse who won the Sussex Stakes then ran well at York behind Regal Parade after a long absence.

What is the point of this post ? What happened in Malton is a shocking tragedy but it doesn't make a once top class horse running in claimers any more or less depressing
How depressing to see a one time Sussex Stakes winner running in a claimer at York . He is still an entire - could they not find a place for him at stud or was he infertile ?

Considering all he won for the Maktoums you might have thought they could have found him a few quid for a dignified retirement .

He was standing at Woodlands stud in Galway. I didn't hear if he was having trouble with his tackle or whether there was a lack of interest. I'm guessing the former. Pity...he might have been a good NH stallion. The people at Woodlands stand 'Germany' who has been doing well with his jumpers(captain cee bee etc)
can only agree, but he really seem to have lost his way. we visited him in woodlands, bit of a funny place to be honest, and no vertility-problems were mentioned. real shame, I agree!
I hate to see this kind of thing too, you'd think his previous owner would rescue him and give him a retirement. Everyone goes on about what is perceived as good or bad for racing - well this sure is not. Gives a bad name to owners and ammunition to those who like to believe that no one in racing gives a shite about the horses.

I know some would say that the horse does not know he is in a seller or claimer, but there is still something nastry about one this good sinking this low. I'm not against lowly races. If this is the best a horse can achive and it is sound then at least it still has a useful life. But a group horse ought to have alife after racing and not be subjected to racing on ...... and on .... just for the sake of it.

There have been a few who hated retirement and were still so in love with the game that they enjoyed racing into old age, even in sellers. I don't think Court Masterpiece is one of them though.
whats so weird about woodlands? Crazy

was a bit for lack of better words, really. we went there two years ago, when they were just building their main house and all was a bit rough, but very very remote and no paddocks which I find odd for any stud. the people were very friendly, but all set-up was very basic and what I thought too many stallions mixed with all breeds and wondering how on earth they wanted to accomodate mares for one stallion, let alone 4-5.
DUAL Group 1 winner Court Masterpiece has returned tostud duties after a brief spell back on the racecourse last year. The ten-year-old will stand at Norton Grove Stud in Malton, North Yorkshire, this season, having completed one season at stud in Ireland two years ago

Norton Grove Stud owner Richard Lingwood said: "We are taking a bit of a gamble on Court Masterpiece to see if his fertility has improved. If any mare owners fancy taking a chance with him we'll be happy to talk to them, with the promise that if their mare is not tested in foal, we will offer thema very good deal on one of our other stallions, either Bollin Eric or Monsieur Bond."
read that too and -if he is still there in august- will surely go and visit. fingers crossed for him, suppose he won´t get a lot of further chances....
Going by what you said in an earlier post the stud he was at did not come accross as the most professional outfit. His new owners seem to be confident of improving his fertility.