Credit Card Interest Rates


At the Start
May 3, 2003
Can anyone help me, I have received my MINT statement and attached was a small not stating that the interest rate was going up to 19.16% from 15.9, this is an increase of more than 20% but when I called them they just said there was nothing they could do, i feel a little hamstrung here and would appreciate some advice
I would open an account with a firm that offered 0% interest for six months on balance transfers and shitcan the Mint card. And keep on doing this until all the outstanding balance was paid off.

Or, apply for a low interest loan and pay the card off with that.

I would also point out that it is very common for credit card companies to apply these changes in IR with very little warning, and so I only go for the 0% deals as Euro mentions.
I have been reading up on the subject lately and basically they can charge what they like as regards interest.
The good news is that they are not entitled to charge you £30 or £35 for a late payment charge.If you find a site called consumer action group you will find all the information you need.Apparently the banks and credit card companies have been overwhelmed by people claiming back unlawful charges.
CapitalOne are offering nought percent interest until September 2007 if you transfer a balance to them.
It's a good deal up until September 2007... but for the sake of all that is holy make sure you either have the balance paid off or transfer it away from them, they are a bunch of b******'s.
If I still have a balance (HA - like I'm not gonna :ph34r: ), I will move it again. I just keep moving them around until I can clear the balance. Thanks.
I've also been shopping around to find a good card to transfer my balance across to and the general consensus is that Virgin is an excellent company to use - anyone have experience of them?
Personally, I have never used Virgin, but I think MBNA are absolutely useless.

It was interesting to hear on the news today that some banks are trying to cut down the time you wait in the branches now to be served. My local branch of Barclays are excellent and I very rarely have to queue and if I do, it's rarely longer than 2-3 minutes.

I would be interested to hear what other peoples experiences are of queuing at banks, especially in your lunch hour!