D Day - What if?

Of course they would. Britain in the late 30s was probably awful anyway. No tele, no twitter, no free access to porn
Which aspects of our current society do you believe they would be most disheartened by?

Probably the main one would be that lots of their cities now resemble Islamabad, that criminals are treated better than victims, the benefit generation. Maybe a quick peek into a time machine would have made them think twice?
Probably the main one would be that lots of their cities now resemble Islamabad, that criminals are treated better than victims, the benefit generation. Maybe a quick peek into a time machine would have made them think twice?

Racism and anti-semitism was rife in the general public at that time, so perhaps they would have thought twice. But, anti-semitistic views changed rapidly in the face of the knowledge of what the nazis were doing - so I think, on balance, that there would have been far greater acceptance of alternative cultures than is currently the case in many quarters.

Debatable whether this is true or not. However, you'd probably have the older generation onside here. Would it have stopped them going? Doubt it.

Benefit Generation
The generation who stormed the beaches at Normandy are the generation who voted in the Welfare State. Whilst I don't think very many people argue that it hasn't gone too far in some ways - I don't believe for a second that a glimpse at the future would have stopped them storming the beaches.

Are you saying that you see the Jews being completely exterminated by the Nazis prior to the creation of either a) an entirely Nazi Europe or b) an entirely Communist Europe as being preferable to people from other countries preferring our country to theirs, the odd anomaly in the criminal justice system and Fat Senga Fae The Scheme being able to afford to smoke 80 a day and watch Sky TV with all the packages at your expense?

That seems a somewhat bizarre, myopic and, frankly, repugnant point of view if you ask me.
Probably the main one would be that lots of their cities now resemble Islamabad, that criminals are treated better than victims, the benefit generation. Maybe a quick peek into a time machine would have made them think twice?

Incredible...even by the writer`s standards:rolleyes:
Modern life is great. Britain has never been such a great place to live in. Most nostalgia is total bollocks
They were soldiers - they had no choice. Would they have bothered then if they had?

Strange post and not exactly timely, to say the least

I think that there were more than enough vounteers. And not all from Britain too...

Also think of the airmen who "bothered" to fly in the Battle of Britain. They knew full well it was odds against them surviving more than a couple of sorties but plenty put their hands up to do so

On days like this, that is what I remember
I think there are many current trends in society that are well worth respecting

Racism and bigotry has really not got a formal grip in the uk (sadly less so in Europe) ok I live in London but tolerance is the norm

Crime is spiralling downwards. It's a much less violent society. I can think of incidents in the 70s and80s which simply would not escape criminalisation now as they did then

Drunkeness, a stupid British curse, is declining rapidly . I was astonished at the figures published last week

We are a "can do" society. More self employed than ever before and a feeling that opportunities are there. Enterprise is respected. Which is the natural British way

We eat better than ever before (bar Scotland) the range of superb food available in London at any time is incredible. Itsu, pod, wasabi, benuga etc etc

Class is a steadily declining issue (unlike the 30s) I mix with all backgrounds in business and it simply never crosses mind

The Internet is astonishing.

And by any indicator, we are more prosperous
I am somewhat cynical about the rise in food bank usage after seeing an interview with a user where she stated that if she got food from the food bank, she could spend money on presents.

Presents are a nice to have when you are unemployed (as I am at present) - not a need to have.

But I suppose if I wanted to I could stroll down the food bank and save myself some money which I could spend on other things. I'm not that kind of person though.