Dallas Shootings

Has the Donald Trump said anything about the problem going on in America ? I havn't one peep from him about it, maybe it hasn't been reported? Or i havn't googled it enough!
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I don't know if I dare say it!!! but he's been embroilled in an argument for nearly a week now over a sheriffs badge and the Star of David (its a bizarre one even by his standards). It does reveal an interesting insight into his mindset and obsession on minutaie. He's clearly vulnerable to being wound up and distracted which I'm sure the Democrats will play on as we go into the autumn

He's also said he's cutting back his media profile, which has been the subject of much comment. Read into what you will, but there is a feeling in his team (which is only about 30 strong) that he's now doing more damage than good and that his vote might improve a bit if he wasn't charging out and feeling the need to make an ill-informed and alienating comment on every subject that crops up

As a stratgey it sometimes works. Corbyn's poll ratings improve slightly when he keeps out the public eye.

He spent about a week in mid June complaining that the pollsters were deliberately over-sampling Democrats! but it seems that a combination of Ivanka, Eric, and Manafort have convinced him now that they aren't, and that people do think what they do about him. It seems the penny has finally dropped that the rhetoric which can win a Republican nomination won't persuade Democrats to switch. Now that he's fired Corey (let Trump be Trump), Lewandowski, he's being handled more professionally

Mind you, he did seem to indicate that Serena Williams is going to speak at the convention in support of him, so in his mind, that probably establishes his black credentials, just like tweeting a picture of himself eating nachos sealed the deal with the hispanics!
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The Donald should have refused to answer any questions about the Star of David fiasco other than to say my Daughter is a Jew you idiots..............then he should have said nothing more.

TBH he's playing games at the moment and keeping the powder dry..........if he goes after Killary now then by the time the election comes the powder will not be dry it will be boringly non existant

Come October is when he will really let go at her, if she has not been replaced by then
Jeezus. What a pile of drivel.

BTW, Clivex, did you catch Nick Cohen's article calling-out Guardian colleague Seamus Milne (and similar intellectual cowards of his ilk), as being at the root of some/many of the problems at Labour? It basically stated that they didn't really want power, because a) it forces compromise, and b) they have no alternative solutions anyway.

I thought he called it spot-on. It's just a shame that the very-next Cohen article that was linked, was one headed "The Iraq War: Why It Is Still Justified", which obviously made him seem like a complete chump in comparison. Can't get it right every time, I suppose.
Yes I did read it grass and hamm

hes a sinister piece of work and it's quite alarming that he's practically running the policy and tactics for the opposition. It's clear also that a lot of labour MPs (most probably) hate him. Tom Watson certainly does. Look at some of his quoted views on wiki and it's stomach churning

i genuinely believe what is happening to labour is a tragedy at the present time. The far left are intent on nothing more than control, of party and blind dislike towards dissenters. The nec vote issue last week was very revealing in their attitude towards intimidation (especially towards women) and the idea that they are just genial activists is way off the mark

this is the far left. Not enough attention has been given to the fact that's it's obedience or intimidation

hes a typical over educated public school boy communist who is contemptuous of us oiks

agree with you both. Which is odd
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Nick Cohen often bravely calls it right. Don't always agree (he was far too sneering of brexit) but he doesn't wring his hands . Good writer
Not having a viable opposition is driving me to consider joining the Labour Party. As a lifelong Conservative supporter it feels like a strange thing to do, but for the sake of a few quid I want to vote against Corbyn for the health of the country.