Dancing Mystery At Brighton This Sunday


At the Start
May 2, 2003
I see the ancient sprinter Dancing Mystery is due to contest his first race this season at Brighton on Sunday, in the snappily-named "Visit The Cote D'Albatre With Transmanche Handicap" over 5f-and-a-bit.

This will be his 191st outing.

He's not likely to trouble Hiblaze's world record of 406 lifetime starts, but does anyone know if any UK-trained horse has ever exceeded 190 before?
As the chief holder on of Dancing Mystery's neck strap as I try to stop the old git every morning I can report that if there has been too much rain at Brighton he will be waiting for another day. He doesn't like getting his feet wet nowadays - unless it's in the field where his favourite hobby is getting covered in as much mud as possible! I don't think he would be too impressed to see the statistic of 406 lifetime starts!!
Race 191 for DM looks likely to be at Southwell tomorrow having been pulled out of the Brighton race last week.
Good Luck to the old boy - and can we have a photo please Epona!
If you can't put it up I'm sure Arkers or DG would do it for you
Epona has requested that I put up this piccy of him on the gallops.

Race 192 for the old boy is due to be at Brighton this afternoon and there is no doubt it is the weakest race he has ran in for quite a while.
Peopleton Brook like most of his stable companions is becoming very attractively handicapped and did show a little bit more last time but you still couldn't put any money on it with the form of the stable being so poor.
God only knows what the McEntee horse will do having won less than 48 hrs ago, certainly wouldn't be wanting to lump on at a short price with an inexperienced apprentice on board and because of who trains it.
The rest are woefully out of form.
So maybe DM can make it win number 26,let's hope so anyway.
Totally agree, Arkwright. Let's hope Dancing Mystery puts in another brave performance this afternoon.
Not my place to comment on what Dancing Mystery will or won't be doing after a below par performance this afternoon but in light of the other thread on racing older horses I would just like to say that we regularly get the vet to give him an MOT! I also get the vet at the racecourse to listen to his heart etc when he pulls up just to make sure all sounds ok. I haven't been involved with many other older horses but in Dancing Mystery's case he does what he wants when he wants and I suspect the same is the case with most horses who have been around the block a few times. We have an old horse called Bronze Runner here in the field who is in his twenties and I am always threatening to put a saddle back on him as he whizzes around the place!
Thanks for the update, Epona. Nothing wrong with having the vets to check over these horses - that's what they are there for. Bearing in mind many horses live into their late twenties and thirties when we talk of horses being old at 15 - they are in some cases, only half way through their lives.

I am in my "middle age" and I often feel my heart needs checking out when I have been out for a long run! :shy:
There's still a little race in him judged by tonights encouraging performance at Leicester where he finished 5th.