David Barker


At the Start
Jul 22, 2005
Very sad news that the 40 year old trainer is suffering from Lung Cancer and the illness has been so bad that he will pack in training in August and is selling his yard.

Was brilliant with sprinters over a number of years, lets hope he gets better soon.

Didn't one of the forum members have Brut with him a year or so ago ??
That would be me Flame. Very sad news to be honest, I didn't know it was that bad. I sent him an email wishing him and his family all the best a couple of months ago but didn't hear anything back. Any news on where the horses are going? Surprised one of the family isn't going to try and keep it going. His mother and wife were always very involved with day to day running of the yard.

He's a top guy, very amusing and whilst we didn't really see eye to eye towards the end of our association with differences of opinion with entries and tactics, his training of sprinters was excellent. Sierra Vista winning the Temple being a particular highlight.
Hes the only trainer ive shared a drink with (well...him and a mutual mate). Really nice guy. Totally shocked by this
Looks like all the horses have now moved on but not seen or heard anything about David's condition, does anyone know anything? I hope he's making progress.

I'd also be fascinated to know where my old Brut ends up? He's still as listed in training with David on the BHA site and David owns the horse. If anyone has any news on him, drop me a PM or something as I'd be very interested to know.
He was on hand at Newcastle today for Zaplamation's win, a horse he still part owns.

Probably had a few quid on as well.

Looks like a few have gone to Kevin Ryan and John Quinn.

Cheery Cat has gone to John Balding,be interesting to see who gets Mr Wolf.