Declined Cheltenham Invitation.


At the Start
Jan 24, 2007
Just home from work in a pub in my neighbourhood. I was heartbroken to have to turn down CLub enclosure tickets, along with flights and accomodation for the Festival from Tuesday to Thursday by a fellow racing enthusiast.

Granted he had a few scoops in him but I can assure everyone he was 100% serious as he sorted me out with tickets last year coupled with lunch in his chalet overlooking the parade ring and it would have been the same situation this year.

Currently studying for my finals in May and the parents were quite adamant that I shouldn't make my annual pilgrimage to Mecca this year.

I'd rather he hadn't mentioned it as it was the most diffiicult conversation I have ever had!!

Have any other forumites found themselves in a similar predicament that I faced earlier this evening?

Poor you, Highchapp. :( Yes, if it was me I would have been better thinking I just wasn't going this year not thinking that there was an opportunity to see all four days at The Festival.

Absolutely no consolation but there will always be next year by which time you will have sailed through your exams and passed with flying colours. :clap: