
Desperate Dan

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
Just imagine if Corbyn and Labour had prorogued Parliament !! Tanks in the street, methinks! And even this forum would be in turmoil. Funny thing this democracy.
Yep, I'm amazed that gigilo hasn't been apoplectic about it as yet. And perhaps mildly ashamed that I'm not. Just sick of hearing about the whole ******* thing tbh part of me is thinking well at least we'll be done with it in a month or so and can move on to dealing with the consequences.
Didn't think I'd live though various fascists using democracy to vote themselves into power. There you go. At least this time round, they didn't burn down the Reichstag to rid themselves of political accountability. The claim of the EU being anti-democratic all the funnier now. Hopefully it will be an entertaining watch.
Yep, I'm amazed that gigilo hasn't been apoplectic about it as yet. And perhaps mildly ashamed that I'm not. Just sick of hearing about the whole ******* thing tbh part of me is thinking well at least we'll be done with it in a month or so and can move on to dealing with the consequences.

I started a thread on it 9 months ago,i pointed out what the media were doing enabling these lot to do what they want they encouraged it,it all started 12 months ago when it escalated its been planned for years by bannon,cuummings and johnson an english rightwing nationalistic pile of ****,deregulation for the US and more disaster capitalism..But they have to ''own'' this now and the demographics are already shifting as a lot of brexit voters will be brown bread over the next decade,as ridiculous as it sounds it wouldn't even surprise me if at some point we rejoined the EU..Once everyone sees what a shitfest the whole thing is and how they were decieved,it won't take long maybe 12-2years months and a likey recession lets see what theyre saying then...Perhaps all these looney tune brexiteers could pay for all the mess they will have created by handing over their wealth on their departure seems only fair..
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And what sort of people would employ and allow the likes of Cummings to bully and intimidate young women. He appears to be running the country. What`s happening to our country...I despair!
I have to admit - it is really fascinating viewing, drama in it's finest form. Intriguing watching the grown ups fight it out with the petulant children. That image of Rees-Mogg reclining on the commons front benches is the defining image of the drama. Bit like when Maggie drove the tank in the Falklands. Anyway- off to buy my popcorn for the news later.

ps..That Dominic Cummins is some political strategy genius, eh?
Impressed with Tanmanjeer Singh Dhesi yesterday. A point well made about Boris Johnson.
Originally Posted by Marb

Impressed with Tanmanjeer Singh Dhesi yesterday. A point well made about Boris Johnson.

Agreed, I was also impressed by Jess Phillips, who, whilst not having the silver tongue of JRM, superbly articulated what she saw as her responsibility on behalf of her constituents.
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It seems to me that a true democracy allows people to change their mind.

Both sides seem confident that their views would carry the day so, if it's possible to organise a general election for 15th October, why not a People's Vote on that date?
Revoke Article 50 or exit with no deal the options.

Possible extras:
55-45 minimum requirement for mandatory action, advisory for a smaller margin.
Have the provision for a vote every 5 years if we stay in.
Boris Johnson, Jeremy Corbyn and a Sun reader are sat in a room when Johnson covers the Sun reader in petrol, strikes a match and sets fire to him.
Johnson watches him flailing about within the all consuming flames and shouts "Look at that chicken Corbyn! Not even willing to get his hands burnt and help put it out."
"You *******, Corbyn!!" shouts the Sun reader as he perishes.