Desert Orchid

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
I thought I might as well give a brief resume on who I am for the sake of the immigrants and newbies who don't know me from Adam.

I'll be 69 in September, a retired ML Principal Teacher and Senior Lecturer.

Been following the horses since Nijinsky caught my imagination but can trace back watching them to when my father walked us a good couple of miles (no car) to his father's house (we had no telly) to watch Arkle in his pomp.

Started studying collateral form at uni as a relief from other studies (change as good as a rest and all that).

Started compiling my own ratings around 1981/1982 and been trying to refine the processes ever since. Added time ratings to the processes around the late '80s.

Joined the old C4 forum around 1996. That spawned the various incarnations of Talking Horses.

So I suppose you could say I'm in with the bricks.

No time for midweek/Sunday/AW shite unless it's a significant race/meeting.

Prefer the jumps but punt more successfully on the Flat.

Strongly opinionated on some matters while, hopefully, remaining open to constructive comment.

Every day is a school day, as evidenced by recent initiatives such as dosage profiling, sectional timing and stride data.