Did You All See Krizons Green Hut!

Merlin the Magician

At the Start
May 2, 2003
I did... it was nearly the star of the show??? but no Jon, were you hiding!! As THOMMO went past it on every winner on CH4 today but I did NOT see you............. :P :suspect: :)
The gate staff were down in the cellar all day having fun with a gate jumper.
Where killing is concerned The E. Dead Group do not sub-contract Ardross. That would be like you passing over the Penge Bungalow murders case.
Yes, the little green potting shed is on the left of the horsewalk, coming back from the track. Merlin - fat flipping chance of either of us getting out to see any horses today, though my colleague did a quick escape to see the closing of the Winter Derby. We were really busy with regular owners' badges, special badges in another box for the Winter Derby owners, and a third box with special badges for the owners of the Spring Cup horses - all with their silks printed on them, they looked very nice. We issued 350 badges, around 400 race cards, and around the same amount of tea vouchers, most of it done from when gates opened just after 11 a.m. until the second race at 2.10 p.m. - it was a pretty intense time! Horsey connections accounted for a seventh of the crowd that was there all told. The biggest support for one horse was the group with HURRICANE SPIRIT - 22, and a Chinese delegation of 14 on YES ONE.

But the potting shed is doomed - there are paint sprays on the ground outside now, marking positions for the brand new entrance that Arena plans for later this year, in line with a major refurbishment of the course, the building of an onsite hotel, etc. We understand that the public and Os & Ts car parks across the road outside are being sold off for development, and that car parking will thereafter be in the centre of the course. Which will be big fun if the access tunnel floods three feet deep in rainwater, as it often does! We're hoping someone's taken that into account, but... :brows:
Yes, the little green potting shed is on the left of the horsewalk, coming back from the track. Merlin
Jon yes when we came to the late ALAN MORGAN'S race day there, Lord H the Cardiffian and myself parked in the owners -trainers car park, and Lord H pointed you out actually in the (LITTLE GREEN SHED) but your head was down sorting something out on your desk???(I think)as all that could be seen was your rear that was facing the door..

It was not until up in our box that we met............ :D
Trudi Bloomin Heck - what price for Thommo to go though the card??? :laughing:

About as much chance as RED RUM winning this years national?????? :P :laughing: :laughing:
"... all that could be seen was your rear.. " yeah, that kinda tends to happen when I bend down, Merlin. You were lucky there wasn't a full eclipse of the sun.