AC, may I caution against you sitting under me? The snap, crackle, and pop of men's thighbones giving way down the years has counselled me against such frivols. But by all means sit on my lap - it's a bit like relaxing on an old, squashy sofa, and will bring contrast to an evening otherwise littered with frighteningly well-toned and perfectly-groomed wimminfolk.
I'd like to have 8 off the forum, for a rather raucous and amusing evening - or so I'd hope:
An Capall, Maurice, Honest Tom, Ardross, Shadow Leader, Griffin, Songsheet, and Solerina. I've met Brian, and he's such a quiet, introspective chap, that he'd feel a bit out of place in such riotous company, I think. But to do the forum justice, I'd really like to hire a huge barn and hold an all-night hooley for the lot, after a day's good racing. Now, if I win this week's Rollover...