Clivex, no, sorry, whoever informed you about the Wahhabis is not right. The royal family, which is the government, are definitely not Wahhabi! They are Sunni Muslims, and that's why the Shi'ah faction doesn't like them. The Shi'ites don't like the Wahhabis even more, though, because they are the ball and chain on progress. Surprisingly, Saudi Shi'ah are really gung-ho for women's progress - a large number of the girls I had as trainee admin staff were from that faction, although it's fair that there were Sunnis who came from progressive families, too. But, as I said, it was a group of Wahhabi tribesmen who assisted the first Saud to the throne (well, a fancy chair, anyway!) in Arabia. Thus, there is a historical debt of gratitude owed them, but which they've traded on disgracefully ever since. The Saudis had them fairly well marginalised until around 1979, when Ayatollah Khomeini took power in Iran, and as a Shi'ite, heavily criticised the then Saudi (Sunni) king, Fahad, for his wayward ways (he dropped around $6 million on American gaming tables before becoming king) and tried to foment an internal coup in the kingdom. (On the grounds that he was a godless wastrel unfit to rule a country containing the holy cities of Mecca/Makkah, and Medina.) The Wahhabi loved this - even though they detest the Shi'ah - since they could ride the anti-bandwagon of criticism and point out all the ills (i.e. progress) which were occurring under the new king. They've become further and further apoplectic as Fahad has given way to Abdullah, a real desert king, who is measured, wise, wily, and determined to push through reforms, even if they enrage the 'purists'.
But there's altogether a wrongness being put about re women's rights. Women are guaranteed specific inheritance and divorce rights by law. More and more fake 'laws' handed down by reactionary mullahs are now being challenged, re a woman's right to work even if it requires her to mix with men (women have always been allowed to work - but not alongside men); their right to drive; their right to travel alone, etc. The rule about not travelling alone goes back to the days when women were prey to raiding tribes. That's the same old reason for them walking behind their man - he is supposed to be up front, protecting her with his sword or dagger, just as our custom used to be that a woman didn't walk to the right of a man, since that's the side he drew his sword from. And the reason why women in Western cultures were ushered through doorways first was because the man would be last through, fighting back any foes, and didn't want a lot of shrieking women running over him! Of course, customs get a bit worn out as life changes, and some unscrupulous old Islamic farts have decided that NO rules can be changed. They find their power base dwindling as governments decree this or that social change, just as many churchmen have resisted the changes made today (such as the ordination of women vicars, etc., legalisation of abortion, gay rights, birth control). But most liberal Muslim governments challenge these now, on the basis that they are simply CUSTOMS and not rules, and customs can be evolved to meet life as it is today.
I don't agree with women not being able to divorce their husbands, but there is no rule to stop her going to her parents, or other family members. Most husbands will then usually grant the divorce rather than have to maintain a live-out wife (since by law he has to, as long as he's still married to her). The good news, progress-wise, is that Saudi, Bahrain, and I assume other Gulf states, now have women's refuges where ill-treated wives can shelter. That Arab, patriarchal societies are beginning to ACCEPT that they really do have the same social problems as anywhere else is a very positive step. And where once upon a time a drug user would've been bashed up by the Police to say who supplied the drugs, and that person would've been put to death, there are now rehabilitation clinics for the addicted. It's amazed me that they've even admitted to having any, frankly. Slowly, slowly, catchee monkey...