Does the Queen really purr?

Just a bit of fun (and protest) at the quality cyberspace again. Twitter has a lot to answer for

As it happens, a pretty innocuous ghost thread achieved much more than Jimmy Savile ever could have done

Which reminds me, why is catholicism still allowed to be legal?

I was thinking the other day too that perhaps the UK should surrender its seat on the UN security council to Pakistan as well given that the latter will be more relevant to global peace going forward than some rotten festering old colonial has been
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She does, rather loudly it appears too

What i think it is mildly amusing though was panicky Dave's complaints about the polling companies causing him ulcers

I can imagine the phone ringing at Chequers and instead falling silent like it does from a call centre someone just purrs down it.

"Who is dear"
"oh its the Queen doing that old heavy purring routine again"

Actually it might have gone more like this

ring, ring, ring

Queen comes to the phone

"What is it?"
"It's good news your felineness. The Scots have voted No"
"I know that you half witted pompous twat. Do you think I don't know how to watch a television?"
"Yes but its official now your purriness"
"It was a foregone conclusion after Clackmannenshire, that's when I went to sleep only to be woken up but some excitable Eton prick who thinks he's pulled a master stroke"
"Ah but it was close you know"
"No it wasn't. The Scots were canny enough to tell YouGov something different and you threw them a £1000 each on the Barnet formula to vote the other way. Dick head. You better put someone in charge who can deliver this"
"I thought Gay Hague was the right woman for the job"
"Is that the sound of purring I can hear your majesty"
"No it's the sound of my blood boiling at your ineptitude"
"OK, mind if I tell Michael Bloomberg and the rest of the world"