Donaldson Found Murdered?

Merlin the Magician

At the Start
May 2, 2003
I suppose it was just a matter of time? but seems it was somewhat barbaric(**BBC news report statement) arm/hand shot off and shot in the head with a expected, no one admits to doing it not even the I.R.A...........

He was in hiding! But never made a very good job of it, in my view!…..

** I was under the impression that execution by shooting of anyone! in cold blood, is barbaric but there you go!!!
Well the IRA wouldn't admit it, since they're not supposed to be doing that kind of thing any more. Which is exactly why they're not the only ones with a motive for doing it.
Who says he was in hiding? He wasn't going to be allowed to return to Belfast to live, but I haven't seen any mention of him trying to hide. If you hide, you don't just go and live a few miles away from where everyone knows you - you get drastic plastic done on your face, hair implants, add or remove tattoos, change your teeth and your voice, get a new name, and live in Brazil or Tierra del Fuego. You don't scull around your old bungalow awaiting the inevitable visit.
He was definitely in hiding.The cottage was in a remote part of Donegal with noelectricity or running water.
:lol: Oh, I didn't realize a lack of basic utilities were a requirement of being in hiding! If a journalist could find him and interview him, Luke, it was a piss-poor bit of camouflage, wasn't it? And the journo said Donaldson was NOT in fear of his life, merely resigned to living in squalor for the rest of it. Don't expect working for the British Govt to provide you with an apartment in Spain, a nice car and a swimming pool, is the moral of this sorry, sleazy little tale!
he could not go to the Shankhill and expect a council flat.

I doubt that any inhabitant of the Divis Flat complex (if it's still there would house him)

There are many factions that wanted rid of him, including the UDA.
What makes me sick is McGuiness & Adams living in luxury, and being accepted in government. another example of rip off brittain & that this is not a complete democracy.
I would consider that their being accepted as part of the political process to be a glowing endorsement of democracy as practiced in the UK.
Originally posted by Melendez@Apr 5 2006, 10:25 AM
They have servants who check under their car every morning before they go to work.
They probably iron their copies of the Daily Telegraph as well.
Originally posted by jft2005@Apr 5 2006, 09:57 AM
What makes me sick is McGuiness & Adams living in luxury, and being accepted in government. another example of rip off brittain & that this is not a complete democracy.
I concur with Melendez on this. The fact that they are accepted in government is ample demonstration of the fact this we do have democracy.
Given how certain groups went to such extraordinary lengths to have the governmental institutions in Northern Ireland shut down, I'm not sure it's true to say they are accepted in government.
I understand he refused the UK govt offer of new identity etc . I suspect dissident republicans as Sinn Fein are apparently keen to get back into government and such an execution is manna from heaven for the DUP - unless and I admit this is very unlikely , most conspiracy theory of all the death was " staged " after his discovery by the newspaper .
Originally posted by jft2005@Apr 5 2006, 09:57 AM
What makes me sick is McGuiness & Adams living in luxury, and being accepted in government. another example of rip off brittain & that this is not a complete democracy.
You're entitled to your opinion, JFT, but quite what this has to do with 'rip-off Britain' is beyond me :what:
There is some latin term that I have forgotten - "Qui Bono?"

Anyway - the question is 'who benefits?

Dublin Govt: No
London Govt: Not really
Prov IRA: No
DUP: Yes
Dissident IRA Yes
Securocrats Yes
Womens Party No
Family: Not really
Sisters of Mercy No
Individual Grudge Possibly.
UDA: Yes

In summary this murder is most likely perpetrated by a dissident republican or Loyalist gunman. Paisley is like a dog with two mickeys he is so happy, but even he knows this in the part of his brain that is not yet mush. My guess it was a loyalist, and the path was pointed out by a securocrat.
Originally posted by Maurice@Apr 5 2006, 01:49 PM

You're entitled to your opinion, JFT, but quite what this has to do with 'rip-off Britain' is beyond me :what:
taxpayers money being spent on these two people, when it could be put to more effect elsewhere. I know by keeping adams & co in the governments pcoket it keeps the militants relatively quiet in Northern Ireland, and i suppose it had to be done but it is still a long way from peace in Northern Ireland. My morals do not enable me to agree with protecting terrorists.
I dont know to much about Ms Rice, what her roots are & whether she has murdered/ordered the murdering of many. But I do not agree with these "sucking of corporate cock" visits.

When i read that she was coming over i took no further interest, it would have cost hundreds of thosuands in security etc & its just another waste of money what could be more beneficial in other areas. but for some reason money is more important than health in some people eyes.
You can say that again! The health of thousands of Iraqis has been directly affected by Miz Rice and her henchmen's policies - not that they have to worry any more about dying of heart attacks or strokes, since they've been shot or bombed to bits.
Originally posted by an capall@Apr 5 2006, 03:58 PM
. My guess it was a loyalist, and the path was pointed out by a securocrat.
I think it will turn out to be a lone republican of some description with a securocrat pulling his strings.
I don't think anyone will be genuinely interested in finding out who did it. Whoever it was, it is going to cause nothing but problems in political circles. A cursory investigation, followed by innuendo that it was a pissed-off republican and nobody will ever be charged.