Doncaster HIT sales


Senior Jockey
Sep 15, 2003
Hurry up and move!!
Somebody please buy me lot 7? (I think he's 7 anyway - would be obvious who I mean if you were interested to look !) it really is time for him to finish (well,it was ages ago - he's been screaming it for years!!) and come and create havoc in a new home.....
Somebody please buy me lot 7? (I think he's 7 anyway - would be obvious who I mean if you were interested to look !) it really is time for him to finish (well,it was ages ago - he's been screaming it for years!!) and come and create havoc in a new home.....

Refused to race, been reluctant to start or finished last in his last 11 runs - I think he's trying to say he's had enough.
Exactly. He needs to stop and have some fun (tho I'm not convinced that he doesn't find playing them up fun!!) I adore this horse - why oh why do I never have the money to bid as well as keep well at the same time??!!!!
Lot 92 might be an ok buy for someone - did everything wrong at Tatts Farm (sweated up very badly, got loose pre-race, pulled hard, raced keenly) yet still managed to win a moderate 4yo maiden. Unsold at 40k in June which is a concern though regarding price and the runner-up hasn't exactly set the world alight since.
Poor chap (no 7) he really needs to be with someone who can turn his head to fun things!

I remember Church Island being sent to Ascot sales of all places at 12. Friend saw him there and said he was pretty beat up. Someone bought him for a couple of grand, I don't suppose anyone knows what happened to him?

And a hurdler who won one of the big handicaps went through Leominster sales, with his hind legs clipped for being scanned. Any horse who has won £100,000 for connections shouldn't be there.

Last I heard he was with Louise Allan after leaving Michael Hourigan and I think he ran at Uttoxeter last year. I'm not sure Louise Allan is still training though.
The worst case I remember was Master Smudge slogging round in point to points.
Tha is Diamond Geezer, I was hoping he'd gone to someone to be a hack. Hopefully that's what he's doing now.

We used to buy quite a few from Donny - chiefly because you can get a good horse (to a small yard!) for not huge amounts of money, and also because philip would he so incensed that people would chuck out 11 and 12 year olds that he'd buy them, run them gently for a season or two if they were happy and then find them a nice home.